Molliesia - Reproduction

There are several types of molinesses. They all live in different areas. In the waters of Mexico and Colombia, there are sphenops. In the waters of Virginia, Carolina, Texas and Florida live latin. Welifer inhabits the waters near the Yucatán Peninsula.

Mollies is one of the most popular fish that is bought for an aquarium. Naively thinking that these fish are easy to maintain, people often acquire them. Unfortunately, many Molliesia die in the early days precisely because of the wrong content. For the price of such a fish is very affordable, so people often negligently treat their silent pets.

Breeders have done a great job, and there are a lot of varieties of these fish that differ in size and color. In our time, mostly black artifacts of mollies are found on the market.

Optimal conditions for life

Before you know how the Mollies breed, it is necessary to characterize this species. In the content of fishes are capricious. Ten individuals can be placed in an aquarium with a capacity of 100 liters. So it will be easier to maintain the stability of the environment. The aquarium needs clean and fresh water. It must be rigid and possibly even alkaline, and for this, a bit of marble must be put in the water. Water should be slightly podsalivat. To do this, it is better to use sea salt or ordinary cooking, but coarse grinding. One liter needs about 2-3 grams of salt. In food fish need to add herbal supplements in the form of lettuce leaves or they are recommended to choose a special balanced food. These fish are very sensitive to light, so the light day should be at least 13 hours.

Another aspect that is recommended to pay attention is the water temperature. It should be stable, without sharp changes. These fish are thermophilic, which means that the water in the aquarium should be within 25-30 degrees.

Breeding of Mollies

Reproduction of mollies is possible when the age of the female reaches six months. And, of course, if there is a male in this aquarium. In mollies, the difference between a female and a male is not seen very strongly. Sex can be determined only by the shape of the anal fin. In all species of mollies, the male is slightly smaller than the female.

It should be noted that the breeding of Mollies is simple. There is one peculiarity - the fry of this fish is very sensitive to pollution, therefore, in the aquarium where they live, water should be changed frequently. Pregnant molliesia brings 50-60 fry. Often amateurs are wondering how to determine the pregnancy of Mollies. By their impressive square stomach, we can conclude that soon the female will have offspring.

Preparation for spawning

If you are convinced of the pregnancy of Mollies, the fish should be planted in a separate aquarium. The water in it should be warm. Preferably, there are thick algae in the aquarium. However, it is worth remembering that the transplantation is very carefully, in order to prevent premature spawning of Mollies. The female is planted several days before the expected delivery. Specially to prepare a hotbed it is not necessary, as the female can undergo unjustified stress.

The behavior of the fish itself will tell you that the delivery is approaching. She will certainly look for a place where you can retire. How to give birth to Mollies, you can see firsthand. If the fish does not hide in the green, you can watch how the babies appear.

It can be concluded that in Mollies the reproduction occurs, as in all viviparous fishes, but before you have these beautiful fish, you need to read a lot of literature on how to care for them and how to grow them. If you are not too lazy and find the right information, the fish will live long in your aquarium and please the eye.