Mask against black dots

Black dots on the face are a very common problem. The most effective way to deal with them is professional cleansing of the face, but if you do not have it, various masks come to the rescue. The result is often not instantaneous, as when cleaning the face, but at the moment the mask is one of the most accessible means against black points.

Masks can be designed to both remove black dots, and to prevent their appearance and improve the skin condition.

Mask-film for removing black dots

Perhaps the fastest and most effective masks from black points are mask-films. Such masks are usually sold in tubes, and are a gel that is applied to the pre-cleansed skin of the face, and after drying it is removed in the form of a film.

Mask-film can be made in home conditions based on gelatin. Gelatin masks help not only against black spots, they also have a tightening and strengthening effect on the skin. To make a mask, 1 tablespoon of gelatin is poured into ½ cup of liquid and heated on low heat, not bringing to a boil, until gelatin is completely dissolved. The resulting mixture is slightly cooled and applied to the face, excluding the areas around the eyes and lips. After the mask has dried, it is removed, and black dots leave with the resulting film.

As a liquid on the basis of which a gel mask is made to remove black spots, it is best to use milk or various freshly squeezed juices. For normal and dry skin, apple, pear or peach juice is suitable, for oily skin it is better to use orange juice, grapefruit, carrot or grapes.

Home masks from black dots

Despite the variety of professional skin care products, there are many time-tested and relatively simple recipes for cleansing masks that will help get rid of black spots.

  1. Egg mask from black dots. Mix protein 1 egg with a tablespoon of sugar, apply half the mixture to the face and leave until dry. Then apply the second layer of the mask and begin to tap the fingers with your fingertips over the face until the mixture stops sticking to your hands, after which the mask can be washed off.
  2. Another popular recipe for a protein mask from black dots is a mixture of one protein, two teaspoons of lemon juice and the same amount of fresh juice from the leaves of aloe. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the face for 10-15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.
  3. Clay mask against black dots. Cosmetic clay can be of several types, however, in masks, it is best to use white (kaolin) to remove black dots. Given the properties that this clay possesses, it is enough simply to dilute it with water to the consistency of thick sour cream. To improve the properties of the mask instead of ordinary water, you can add a mineral, as well as a teaspoon of lemon juice. With dry skin, a tablespoon of olive oil or grape seed oil is added to the mask.
  4. Oatmeal mask. Mix two tablespoons of chopped oatmeal with a teaspoon of soda and ½ cup of milk. Rub the mask and massage the face should not be. The resulting mixture is simply applied to the skin for 10-12 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

And remember that you can apply any mask to remove black dots only on previously cleaned with gels for washing, lotions, and if possible - and peelings, skin. Apply cleansing masks from black dots are not recommended to use more than twice a week, and after using the mask on your face you need to apply moisturizing cream.