Decoction of parsley for the face

Decoction of parsley is designed to care for problem skin of the face. The substances included in the green matter favorably influence the cells of the epidermis, protecting them from the corrosive effects of the environment and eliminating inflammatory processes. In addition, micro- and macro elements contained in green branches of parsley strengthen small blood vessels and prevent loss of moisture, which positively affects the condition of the skin.

How to cook a decoction of parsley?

The question of how to make a decoction of parsley for the face is not an idle one. After all, during heat treatment, it is necessary to preserve as much as possible the useful substances contained in the greens.

The recipe for broth



The liquid is boiled in enameled dishes for 15 minutes on very slow fire, filtered and cooled.

The resulting decoction of parsley for the face is intended for disposal:

Also, a decoction of parsley for whitening the face can be used by those who do not like the swarthy or yellowish shade of their own skin. To achieve the goal, several times a day, moisten the face with a decoction or make compresses from a layer of gauze (tissue napkin), moistened in a warm parsley decoction. To improve the effectiveness of compresses with skin rashes in the decoction of parsley it is recommended to add flowers of calendula, with mature skin - flowers of violets, with pigmentation - chemist's daisy.

For your information! With mature and fading skin of the face, it is better to apply parsley and dill infusions. A mixture of greens pour boiling water and insist for at least two hours.

Ice face from broth of parsley

Frozen ice from parsley broth ice is best suited for facial massage. Vitamin liquid is poured into ice molds and placed for several hours in the freezer. Cooked in this way, ice cubes do not lose their useful properties for several months, so if there is a time deficit, you can make a preliminary preparation for a long time. Excellent removes facial swelling , eliminates circles in the eye areas and refreshes the skin of ice from the juice of parsley, which, like a decoction, is frozen in the upper chamber of the refrigerator.