The stomatitis in a mouth

Stomatitis in the mouth is a pathology in which inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane lining the oral cavity are observed. Stomatitis can occur both in acute form and in chronic, with recurrent relapses. Consider what are the characteristics of this disease, why it occurs, and how quickly and effectively cure stomatitis in the mouth.

What does stomatitis look like in the mouth?

This disease can be recognized by the appearance on the surface of the mucosa from the inside of the cheeks and lips, under the tongue, on the gums, in the region of the bottom of the mouth, and in the area of ​​the tonsils and the soft palate of small rounded sores covered with a thin grayish or white film. As a rule, their formation is preceded by a feeling of slight burning, soreness, swelling and redness of the mucosa. Sores can be single or multiple, they are painful, often make it difficult to eat and talk.

Additional symptoms of stomatitis may include:

Sometimes patients experience general deterioration in their well-being, headache, high body temperature, and enlargement of the submaxillary lymph nodes. More severe symptomatology is characteristic of the aphthous form of stomatitis, characterized by the appearance of sufficiently deep, long-healing ulcers.

Causes of stomatitis in the mouth

Oral stomatitis can develop due to the influence of various factors, the main of which are:

Treatment of stomatitis in the mouth

Diagnosis of the disease, as well as appoint the right treatment regimen can a dentist. In most cases, local medicine with antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties is used to treat stomatitis. These are preparations in the form of solutions for rinsing, ointments, gels:

When there are sores caused by viruses or fungi, I can prescribe antiviral and antifungal agents, respectively. If multiple foci of lesion are formed, the disease is accompanied by severe symptoms, prescribe drugs of systemic action. It is also important to normalize the immune system, for which immunomodulators, vitamin complexes can be recommended.

How to treat stomatitis in the mouth at home?

Treatment of the oral cavity with stomatitis can be carried out not only by ready-made pharmacy products, but also by infusions of medicinal herbs:

They can be used to rinse your mouth, as well as to make lotions. The easiest way to make infusion is to pour a tablespoon of raw material with a glass of boiling water, insist 20 minutes and strain.

Good disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties have a saline solution (a teaspoon of salt per glass of water), solutions based on alcoholic tinctures of propolis, calendula, eucalyptus (teaspoon per glass of water).