Kim Kardashian stopped feeding the 4-month-old Seynt Breast, not to provoke North

After the appearance of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, the second child, son of Seint, they had to face the jealousy of their daughter, who is not ready to share her mother and father even with her own brother. To calm the raging 2-year-old North, the secular lioness stopped breastfeeding a 4-month-old son!

Tough competition

On the talk show of her older sister, Chloe, Kim described the difficult and ambiguous decision she had to take. To please the vagaries of North, she refused to breastfeed, transferring her son to the mixture.

Wife Kanye West said that the baby could not watch, as Saint sucks her breasts and constantly sobbed. Over time, the situation only worsened: the daughter demanded that my mother put milk in her bag in her bra and she drank it through a straw. The last straw that deprived Saint of healthy food was North's statement: "Mommy, if you do not stop feeding him, I can not stand it!".

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To sound the alarm

Star parents have long ago turned to a specialist who will tell how to solve the problem and help their first-born to get used to the role of the sister and teach him to share the attention of relatives with his brother. After all, North used to make hysterics because of the boy. She was so worried that she even started to walk in a dream.