Treatment of sore throat at home with folk remedies

The inflammation of the tonsils is accompanied by a mass of unpleasant symptoms. With angina, the throat is very sore, the temperature is high , general weakness sets in. Treatment of acute tonsillitis is a slow process. Especially if the disease is bacteriological in nature. Therefore, only people's remedies at home can not treat angina. It is much more correct to apply methods of alternative medicine as an auxiliary therapy.

Propolis - the best folk remedy for the treatment of angina

This substance is produced by bees. Insects use it exclusively for economic purposes: clogging honeycombs, sealing gaps in hives, enveloping suspicious foreign objects. Adherents of folk methods of treatment in bee glue discovered for themselves a huge amount of useful substances that can be used to fight acute tonsillitis as well.

To treat purulent sore throat this folk remedy is best used tincture. She can just lubricate pustules in the throat. The medicine bakes a little, but it is very useful. First, pain immediately passes. Secondly, inflammations will gradually start to come off.

And if there is pure propolis at hand, the treatment can be simplified to a minimum - you just need to chew on five to six grams of bee glue after each meal.

Delicious folk remedy for treatment of sore throat at home

Very effective in fighting acute tonsillitis citrus. From lemons or grapefruits you need to make juice. The first glass of fresh drink should be in the morning or evening. The next one - in the evening or the next day. Continue on a similar pattern for several days. And angina will go much faster. And what is most pleasant - vitamin C will prevent all possible complications.

Rinse from red beets

Excellent folk remedy for treatment of purulent sore throat - rinse with beets. Rinsings are in principle very useful in acute tonsillitis. They help to wash all pathogenic microorganisms, soften the throat. But the beetroot solution to wash the tonsils is especially effective.

Root should be finely grated and squeezed out of a slice of juice. After it can be mixed either with a glass of warm water, or with a tablespoon of vinegar. To rinse with such medicine the throat needs every two hours. Continue the procedure until complete recovery.

Air - a well-known folk remedy for the treatment of follicular sore throat

There are a lot of useful substances in the root of the aura. If you chew it in small pieces five or six times a day, the sore throat will recede. It is not necessary to swallow it immediately. It is advisable to keep the spine in your mouth for at least a quarter of an hour.

People's remedy ayr can also be used to treat chronic tonsillitis. Eat it daily for several months or even years, and will be able to safely forget about acute tonsillitis.

Other useful recipes for the treatment of sore throats folk remedies

  1. If you mix a couple teaspoons of ordinary food vinegar with purified water, you will get a very effective rinse.
  2. Blueberries are useful to eat fresh. And with angina from it you can prepare a delicious decoction for rinses.
  3. Favorably affects the throat in any disease a simple drink: milk with butter and honey. You need to drink it before going to bed. The next morning the state will be much easier.
  4. To quickly remove the inflammation, you can prepare rinsing from chamomile, eucalyptus and marigold, taken in equal proportions. All grind, mix well and pour boiling water. When the medicine is infused, it must be filtered. Gargle with this mixture should be twice a day.