Subcutaneous pimples

Acne on the body is a serious cosmetic defect, but in addition they can testify to the presence of diseases or to warn about violations in the work of organs. Therefore, it is always important to establish the cause of the appearance of acne.

Subcutaneous acne on the body is often a warning about violations of the endocrine system. In no case can they be squeezed out - you can put the infection in the blood. Address to the endocrinologist, the good expert can diagnose and cure you of acne. In this article, we will look at the most frequent cases of subcutaneous acne and the causes with which they may be related.

  1. Acne on the face, and specifically on the forehead, chin or nose can appear for various reasons. There are even special methods of diagnosis, according to which different parts of the face correspond to certain organs. Acne on the forehead indicates problems with the intestines, the chin is responsible for the genitals and the endocrine system. Colds are reflected on the area around the nose. Eruptions on the cheeks may be a manifestation of allergic reactions, and on the cheeks and temples testify to problems with the gallbladder. Treatment of subcutaneous acne on the face should be complex, and then you will get a positive result. But sometimes, during treatment, the problem can worsen. For example, when cleaning the intestine, the amount of acne on the forehead temporarily increases - do not be afraid, this is a natural reaction, which indicates positive changes.
  2. A subcutaneous pimple on the lip may appear during an exacerbation of herpes. Such pimples differ from ordinary acne - immediately before the rash there are painful sensations and inflammation. In this case, before the appearance of acne, it is necessary to treat the inflamed place with a special ointment. Sometimes a pimple on the lip may appear due to the use of unsuitable cosmetics or due to damage to the skin. Then you need to use a special lip balm. If the pimples are located in the area of ​​the lips - pay attention to the state of the stomach.
  3. Subcutaneous acne on the penis, on the head of the penis, on the labia, may be the result of improper hygiene, venereal diseases or the manifestation of herpes. Referring to a doctor in such cases should be immediate.
  4. Acne on the head and neck can be a consequence of fungal damage, it is worth consulting with a good dermatologist.
  5. Subcutaneous pimples on the pope often bring more discomfort than pimples on the face. First, many hesitate to seek help from specialists, and secondly, acne on the pope can be very painful. The reason is often to wear synthetic underwear. This can also be the cause of acne on the shoulders and arms (in the zone of wearing a bra). In winter, pimples on the pope and legs appear due to irritation, as the skin is poorly ventilated, and almost the whole day is in warm, tight clothes. How to get rid of pimples on the pope? Try to wear things from natural cloth, and, taking a shower, use scrubs and additional hygiene products to cleanse the pores well. Of course, if the cause is internal problems, then do not hesitate to contact a specialist.
  6. Acne on the back is a problem of many men and women. People who suffer from acne on their back experience severe discomfort in the warm season, as they are forced to wear closed clothes, can not safely visit public beaches, and even in communication with relatives often experience difficulties. Sometimes, in the summer, acne on the back pass, and to winter appear again. Such rashes can be a consequence of hypothermia, blood contamination, lack of vitamins. This can help the sea water, which in composition is close to human blood. In winter, sea water can replace sea salt, which can be added to the bathroom, make compresses or simply lubricate problem areas with salt water. Subcutaneous pimples on the back and chest can be a consequence of hormonal disorders. In this case, it will not be superfluous to pass tests on the level of hormones. Cells of the sebaceous glands can be sensitive to the effects of male hormones, as a result of which the composition of sebum changes, and skin bacteria enter the sebaceous glands. For the treatment of acne on the back, you will need help, as it is difficult to apply funds to problem areas on your own.

Cure acne is possible only if you eliminate the cause of their appearance. Do not give up the help of specialists, it will save your time and avoid a lot of serious consequences.