Pouring mulberry in the home

If you like home-made alcoholic beverages, then we recommend you try the filling of mulberry, and how to do it, we will now tell you. The drink is slightly sweet, with a tart taste.

A recipe for mulberry filling at home



Mash the mulberry well, pour it into a bottle with a twist and add sugar. Then pour in alcohol and filtered water. Stir everything with a spoon, cork the bottle and insist the drink in a warm place for 3 weeks. Ready-made nourishing from black mulberry before serving is necessarily cool.

Pouring from white mulberry



In a small bucket we pour a little water, pour sugar, put it on the fire and heat it. We silk the mulberry, rinse it and knead it thoroughly with a wooden crush, so that the berries let the juice. The resulting gruel is placed in a clean glass jar and poured with boiling syrup. Stir, cover the top with a lid and leave the drink cool. Then pour the mulberry vodka, stir and insist for 10 days in a cool dark place, periodically shaking. After a lapse of time, strain the filling through gauze and pour into clean bottles. We cork them with stoppers and store them in a dark place. Such a filling can be used as a stand-alone drink or simply added to tea, included in cocktails and sauces.

Pouring mulberry at home without vodka



We do not wash the berries, pour them into a jar, pour sugar and shake the contents several times. Then neck the jars with a dressing gauze and transfer the design to a dark, cool place. After 3 days, foam should appear on the surface. After that, gauze is removed and installed on the neck of a special seizure or just put on a medical glove with a hole in one of the fingers. In a month, the fermentation should stop: the glove will be blown off, and the hydraulic seal will stop bubbling. Now, the liquid is filtered through several layers of gauze and a quilt. We pour the ready-made liquid on dry glass bottles, plug bottles and store the drink for no more than 3 years.