Pouring berries

Easy brewing from berries is a favorite drink of many ladies. A pleasant berry taste always creates a feeling of coziness and warmth, which can be missed in the cold season. But it is not necessary to run for a bottle of liqueur to the nearest market, after all, after reading this article, you can prepare a berry drink yourself, because later we will talk about how to prepare a brew of berries at home.

The recipe for vodka from vodka

Let's start, perhaps, with the simplest recipe of berry vodka based on vodka. Quality vodka is much better purified than alcohol, which means that the gatherings for a glass of drink on its basis will pass without consequences. Especially, vodka is much easier to buy than a sufficient amount of alcohol.



Strawberries are carefully washed , cleaned from the stems and dried. We put the berries on the bottom of the enamel, plastic or glassware, then sprinkle 250 grams of sugar and cover the neck of the can of gauze. Leave the berries fermented with sugar in a warm place for about 2 weeks. Now add to the strawberry raspberries and blueberries, again fall asleep all 250-300 grams of sugar and cover the jar with gauze, and then add the currant. After the currant berries are added, it remains to pour the remaining sugar and leave the berry mass in the heat for another 2 weeks. Now the berry mass can be poured with vodka and left for a month in a cool: the cellar is ideal for insisting on a drink.

Ready berry pouring can only be filtered through several layers of gauze and bottled. Before serving, the filling from different berries should be infused 2-3 months in coolness.

Pouring of berries on alcohol



We put the gooseberry berries in a jar or bottle, filling the chosen capacity by half. Berries are poured with alcohol and leave to stand for 1 month. After the time to gooseberries add raspberries and insist another week. Ready- made raspberries should be filtered through several layers of gauze, then bottled.

How to make a quick nourishing of berries?

In case you need to be smart and prepare a drink for serving on the table in less than a day, we suggest trying out the express recipe for berry filling. For a recipe, use any available berries in the desired amount and a good vodka.

Berries pound into glass bottles with thick walls and put the bottles in a saucepan. Fill the pan with water to cover the bottles by half or 2/3. Put the pan with bottles on the fire and cook after boiling over medium heat for 4-5 hours, remembering to pour hot water as it evaporates. At the end of time, you will see how the juice formed in the bottles. It will need to be cooled, drained and diluted with vodka at the rate of 60% juice by 40% vodka. Now sweeten the sugar filling: 300 grams of sugar per 1 liter of beverage - an ideal ratio. We pour out the homemade nourishing from the berries in bottles and leave to stand at room temperature for 7-8 hours.

Pouring frozen berries



Washed and dried berries are poured into clay or ceramic dishes, suitable for baking. We fall asleep with berries sugar and pour in vodka so that not to reach the edges of the pot about a centimeter. We close the pot with a lid, and seal the edges of the lid with a dough so that the alcohol does not come out with the steam during the heating. Oven reheat to 80 degrees and put a pot in it for 5-6 hours. Prepackage is filtered and cooled.