Removing the labia

The desire to look attractive is deeply embedded in the woman's consciousness by nature itself. Sometimes the desire for perfection leads a woman to the plastic surgeon's office not only on the appearance of the face and body, but also on intimate places such as the labia.

It would seem that it is possible to call an operation to remove the labia minora by the trend of modernity, but this is not the case, since this rite was held in ancient Egypt. Preserved these traditions and to this day - the nature of female circumcision is very different, and is practiced in more than 30 countries around the world (in particular those in Africa and the Middle East) in terms of ethical and religious considerations.

Let us take a closer look at the causes of the removal of the small labia minora of women in modern society.

The causes of removal of the labia minora

Most often, representatives of the weaker sex decide on an operation to remove the labia in connection with aesthetic dissatisfaction. In some cases (this may be a congenital feature), the labia minora are larger in size than their size, there is sagging, asymmetry, increased pigmentation, etc. This situation can provoke the following factors:

Sometimes defects of the labia causes not only aesthetic dissatisfaction, but also create functional problems. Therefore, the removal of the labia is often carried out because:

Operation to remove the labia

The operation itself is painless, does not last long under local anesthesia. In most cases, partial circumcision is performed, due to individual characteristics and wishes, as well as at the discretion of the surgeon who makes the markup. The rehabilitation period takes about two weeks, during this period the woman should refrain from having sex, physical activity and a long stay in a sitting position.