How to increase the amount of sperm?

When a couple decides to have a baby, both a man and a woman are tested for planning: infection, hormones, compatibility. The most important male analysis is the spermogram. This research is quite informative, since it affects such aspects as quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sperm. Sometimes the laboratory makes a diagnosis of oligozoospermia, which means an insufficient number of sperm in the ejaculate. And andrologist will report that with this diagnosis, the chances of conception are reduced. And then the couple is worried about the question, how to increase the amount of sperm, so that pregnancy is possible? Let's understand.

What affects the amount of sperm?

Sperm is a liquid that is released during ejaculation and consists of semen and sperm. On average, in men, from 2 to 4 ml of ejaculate is allocated. And according to the latest WHO data, a sufficient amount of sperm to conceive is 1.5 ml. But an important indicator is not only the volume, but also the amount of sperm in the ejaculate. Fertile is sperm, in which 1 ml contains at least 15 million germ cells.

But for successful conception, two indicators are important - the quality and quantity of sperm. With the latter everything is clear, but what does the quality of sperm mean? This is the indicator of the motility of spermatozoa, as well as their viability. Normally, ejaculate should have 40% or more of mobile spermatozoa capable of reaching the uterus, and at least 60% of live sex cells.

If the amount of semen has decreased, then most often in this "guilty" of a man's lifestyle or health problems. Alcohol, drugs, smoking have a negative effect on sperm and can lead to male infertility. Often the cause of deterioration of sperm is hormonal disorders and excess weight. Some drugs are able to reduce the number of male seed and reduce the motility of spermatozoa. In addition, the quality of sperm deteriorates when exposed to high temperatures (sauna, bath), heavy metals and radiation.

How to increase the quality of sperm and its quantity?

Firstly, to improve male fertility, it is necessary to change the way of life :

  1. At the time of pregnancy planning, a man should part with smoking, alcohol and drugs.
  2. Active way of life - that's also on what the amount of sperm depends.
  3. The future father needs to monitor the weight. Extra pounds, resulting from excess fat tissue, violate the balance of hormones responsible for spermatogenesis.
  4. A man is recommended to avoid stressful situations.

Secondly, the increase in the amount of sperm depends directly on the nutrition of the male :

  1. It is necessary to increase the amount of vegetables and fruits that are antioxidants.
  2. Preference should be given to protein foods (meat, fish, legumes, nuts).
  3. Recommended intake of foods that increase the amount of sperm: broccoli, grapes, bran, liver, avocado, bananas, sour-milk, pumpkin seeds, avocado. You can prepare the following useful mixture: dates, raisins, prunes, figs, lemon and honey taken in an equal quantity are chopped in a meat grinder and eat every morning on an empty stomach for 1 teaspoonful.

In addition to balanced nutrition, the man will be helped by drugs to increase the amount of sperm :

  1. Vitamins C, E, folic acid, as well as minerals of selenium and zinc, substances L-carnitine and L-arginine. They are issued in the form of monopreparations and as complexes (for example, Alphabet for men, Duovit for men, Seltsilk plus, Complivit selenium, Zincteral).
  2. Biocomplexes that include in their composition both vitamins and plant extracts that contribute to the improvement of qualitative and quantitative sperm counts (SpermPlant, Spermactiv, Profertil, Verona, Spermstrong, Spemann).

However, with low sperm counts, you should not prescribe drugs yourself. In some cases, if they have health problems, they are powerless and can even do harm. Treatment should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a specialist.