How to take spermogram?

Spermogram is a method of studying male seminal fluid. The second name for this analysis is the spermatogram. In this article we will talk about how to properly spermogramm and why it is needed.

Why make a spermogram?

Spermogramma is used in medicine to assess the fertilizing capacity of sperm, i.e. to identify possible diseases of the reproductive system and determine the fertility of men. To pass the analysis on the spermogram is necessary in the treatment of infertility, donors of seminal fluid and before cryopreservation of sperm.

Which doctor does the spermogram?

Before taking the spermogram it is recommended to go to an appointment with a urologist or andrologist. These doctors will give a referral to the analysis and advise where the spermogram is best done. Now almost all medical laboratories carry out this analysis. It is important that the fertility of sperm is assessed not by individual parameters, but by all indicators simultaneously. Sperm analysis should include:

When the results are significantly different from the norm, or when diagnosing male infertility, a re-transmission of the spermogram is prescribed. The doctor deciphers the results and, in the case of a pathology, establishes the reasons.

How correctly to hand over the analysis spermogrammy?

Do not always pass the spermogram obtained from the first time, but to avoid this, you need to follow certain rules:

When suspected of male infertility, it is recommended to take spermogram at least twice, with an interval of 7-20 days. With very different indicators, an additional analysis of the ejaculate is performed. Compliance with these rules minimizes the impact of negative factors that reduce the quality and quantity of semen analysis.

What it is necessary to hand over a spermogram?

In order to pass the spermogram, it is required to collect the seminal fluid in a special sterile container by masturbation, after which it must be immediately handed over to the laboratory. Containers are provided free of charge in the laboratory. Whether it is possible to hand over a spermogram at home? Yes, you can. Only after this, the collected ejaculate can not be allowed to cool down, and it should be delivered for analysis within 20-30 minutes. However, now in many diagnostic centers there is a separate room for collection of seminal fluid.