Long Protocol IVF

The procedure of IVF (in vitro fertilization) for many couples is the only chance to give birth to a long-awaited baby. IVF procedures can take place in two protocols - long and short. What are the advantages and disadvantages of both protocols, and in what cases do doctors choose one or the other option?

What is IVF?

ECO is a method of treating infertility, in which the mother's egg and paternal spermatozoon are combined in a test tube, and then the fertilized egg is transplanted into the uterus for further development. IVF is used, as a rule, in obstruction of the fallopian tubes, when natural fertilization is impossible, in addition, the procedure can be used to treat other types of infertility, including those caused by endocrine, immunological causes, endometriosis and other causes.

The first stage of the IVF procedure is the production of eggs from the mother's body. Usually in an ovary a woman has one egg, but to improve the probability of a successful outcome it is better to use several. To get several eggs, hormonal stimulation is carried out, and a short and long preparation protocol can be used for this.

Long and short IVF protocol

In the long and short protocol of IVF the same hormonal preparations are used, the difference is only in the duration of preparation. The success of IVF depends on how much quality eggs will be obtained as a result of hormonal stimulation, and it is not always possible for physicians to obtain the required result for a short program. Much depends not only on the combination of drugs, but also on the health of the woman herself, therefore, if after the first, short protocol, it was not possible to get the required quantity of quality eggs, use a long stimulation. In addition, there are a number of medical indicators that require the use of a long protocol. Among them, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, the presence of cysts in the ovaries and much more.

How does the long IVF protocol go?

The scheme of the long IVF protocol, in comparison with the short one, looks more complicated. Stimulation begins one week before the next cycle - a woman is injected with a drug that blocks the work of the ovaries (for example, implies a long protocol of ECO Decapeptil 0.1). After 2-3 weeks, doctors start stimulating superovulation with the use of hormonal drugs. The doctor performs full control of the woman's condition and watches the growth of the egg. A long protocol requires a doctor to have a great work experience, because every woman's organism individually responds to stimulation.

How long does the long IVF protocol last?

Many women are interested in how long a long protocol lasts. It depends on the characteristics of the drug and how the woman's body reacts to it. The length of the protocol can be 12-17 days or more, sometimes a super long protocol is used, which takes even more time. The duration of the protocol is determined individually depending on the procedure and quality received eggs.

Long protocol eco after 40

As a result of the long protocol of IVF, ovarian blockade is performed, which may result in side effects, including poor health, symptoms of menopause, and other problems. Some doctors believe that the drug Diferelin on a long protocol can cause an early onset of menopause and, consequently, a decrease in the quality of life of a woman. However, doctors with extensive experience believe that the selection of dosages on an individual basis avoids this problem.