Low blood pressure and high heart rate - causes

Increased pulse today, perhaps, no one is surprised. Attacks of a tachycardia happen unexpectedly and just as abruptly cease. A high pulse and low blood pressure are a good reason to visit a cardiologist as soon as possible. If the rapid heartbeat is usually caused by physical activity, to which most of the modern organisms are not ready. That low pressure on the background of tachycardia is a sign of serious problems in the work of the cardiovascular system.

How to understand that you have low systolic or diastolic pressure and high pulse?

Arterial pressure and pulse rate are two important factors that allow to reliably estimate the general condition of the cardiovascular system. If there are any changes in the body, the changes in the indices will certainly demonstrate this.

To understand that something is wrong with the pressure and pulse. First of all, patients pay attention to the fact that they begin to hear clearly how their heart beats. Other symptoms are usually:

Why is the pressure low and the pulse high?

In fact, there are a lot of reasons why tachycardia with hypotension can develop. Very often the problem is to take certain medications. Negative effects on the cardiovascular system can be medications such as:

Of course, medication is not the only reason. Other factors predisposing to lowering the upper / lower pressure and increasing the pulse factor are also considered:

In women, pregnancy is often the cause of low blood pressure and high heart rate. Progesterone affects the blood vessels too much, reducing their tone sharply. In addition, during pregnancy in the female body significantly the volume of circulating blood increases, which leads to tachycardia on the background of anemia.

Often, specialists have to deal with cases where a decrease in pressure and increased pulse become consequences of embolism. This disease is characterized by the severance of thrombi, which can block the lungs.

Slowing heartbeat can also result from prolonged exposure to cold water - a pool or a pond. Very often, from jumps in the pulse and pressure drops, "walruses" suffer - people who are fond of ice-fishing. That is why it is absolutely not recommended to swim in the winter for those who are not 100% sure of their cardiovascular system.