Buckling of the cervical canal

Buzhirovanie cervical canal is a surgical procedure, which aims to expand and restore the patency of the cervical canal. At the same time, a special tool is used - bougie, which gave the name to the procedure. Normally, the cervical canal in women is closed, and during pregnancy, its expansion is observed at a later date (37-38 weeks), i.е. immediately before the birth process.

In what cases is the bougie carried out?

Causes leading to narrowing of the cervical canal, and the appointment of bougie (expansion) of it, many. Most often it is:

Preparing for the bougie procedure

Before the procedure, a woman is assigned a survey, which includes ultrasound, colposcopy, and laboratory tests. The main goal of the latter is to exclude the presence of inflammatory and infectious processes in the organs of the reproductive system.

How is bovine uterine neck performed?

Expansion (bougie) of the cervical canal of the cervix is ​​carried out in a hospital, in the operating room, under general anesthesia. This procedure consists in introducing a special tool - bougie - into the canal of the uterine neck. Then, the channel extensions are achieved by increasing the diameter of its nozzles.

In carrying out a detailed procedure, there is a high probability of tissue injury, which can lead to scarring of the canal and re-appointment of the procedure.

What can be a booger for a woman's health?

More often than not, there are no consequences after the cervical channel bougie. However, there are cases when after the similar procedure development of complications was noted. To such it is possible to carry:

Recently, if you need to expand the cervical channel, a laser is used. In this case, the so-called recanalization of the cervical canal is carried out. This kind of surgery allows you to avoid re-bougie, and completely restores the patency of the cervical canal. That is why laser treatment is widely used in such pathologies as atresia.