Inflammation of the joints of the fingers

Inflammation of the joints of the fingers can develop at any age, thus there is a feeling of discomfort not only because of pain, but also because of a violation of the motor skills of the hands. Taking into account common signs, joint diseases are divided into:

Causes of inflammation of the joints of the fingers

Among the causes of pathological changes in the hands:

The provoking factors are excess weight, bad habits and low immunity.

Symptoms of inflammation of the joints of the fingers

The main symptoms that accompany the inflammation of the joints of the hands are as follows:

It is possible to suggest the development of a certain disease of the joints of the hands by the following features:

  1. Arthritis manifests itself in the characteristic symmetrical lesion of the joints on both hands.
  2. With rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the index and middle finger often occurs.
  3. Arthrosis is associated with developing symmetrical deformation of the joints.
  4. Gout begins with an inflammation of the joint of the thumb, and a noticeable increase in pain with the disease is observed at night.
  5. Osteoarthritis is characterized by increased pain as a result of physical stress.
  6. In osteomyelitis, the lesion affects, along with the joints, the surrounding soft tissues.

Treatment of inflammation of the joints of the fingers

For treatment, seek medical attention. Experts on the basis of tests, X-rays and other methods of examination will establish an accurate diagnosis. Therapy is aimed at both relieving the pain syndrome and eliminating the cause of the disease.

So, with gout, substances that facilitate the purine metabolism are prescribed, with rheumatoid arthritis hormonal drugs that relieve inflammation are used, arthritis prescribes a course of antibiotics, corticosteroids. BADS, which strengthen the joint tissue, can also be used.