Pinworms in children

Enterobiosis is a disease that is caused by pinworms. These helminths belong to the group of nematodes. You can get infected through unwashed vegetables or fruits, dirty hands, household items. The most frequent outbreaks are observed in spring and summer. In adults, enterobiosis is diagnosed less often than in infants. That is why it is useful for parents to have information about the disease.

Symptoms of pinworms in children

For this disease, characteristic symptoms are not inherent, allowing an unmistakable diagnosis. In rare cases, the mother may notice these helminths near the anus of the crumbs or in the pot. But there are a number of signs that parents should be alerted to:

If the child complains about these conditions, then you should see a doctor. To clarify the diagnosis, he will appoint a scraping exercise. This analysis will determine whether there are pinworms in children. Soskob can be done at home on your own, or you can go to a medical institution. But it is worth considering that for a reliable result it is desirable to repeat the test several times.

Complications of enterobiasis

You can not start this disease, since it can lead to serious consequences. First of all, it is worth noting that the itching occurring in the anus is disturbing the child and causes him to comb his anus. As a result, it is possible to damage the skin, infection.

In girls, helminths can penetrate the genitals, provoking inflammation. In boys, parasites can penetrate the area of ​​the foreskin. Irritation of the genitourinary system can lead to early masturbation, balanitis.

Prolonged infection leads to intoxication of the body, the emergence of strong allergic reactions in the form of dermatitis, eczema.

How to get rid of pinworms in a child?

If the studies showed the presence of helminths, then it is necessary to begin treatment. Drugs should appoint a doctor. The specialist will recommend the medicine, as well as its dose. For each small patient, appointments can have their own characteristics. Spreading such tablets from pinworms for children, like "Vermox" and "Pirantel". Perhaps the doctor will prescribe another drug. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the treatment regimen, since the drugs have their side effects and contraindications. After a while, it is usually recommended to repeat the medication. After therapy, they can prescribe the means to maintain intestinal microflora, for example, "Linex."

Treatment of pinworms in children is carried out at home. It will be necessary to pay attention to hygiene measures:

Before treating pinworms in children, you need to prepare the baby's body. To do this, about the day before taking the medication you need to feed your baby soups, sour-milk products, fruits. Do not give dense food.

Also there are folk remedies for pinworms in children. But before using them, consult a doctor.

It is believed that enterobiosis can be cured by giving the baby to eat a squash of pumpkin seeds, which is prepared with olive oil. Also, to fight these parasites, it is recommended to use onions and garlic. Still believe that if a child has pinworms, then you need to make decoctions of wormwood for him, which they drink before going to bed.