Dimensions Mantoux - the norm in children 3 years

As you know, Mantoux vaccine is the main way to diagnose a disease such as tuberculosis. For the first time vaccination against this disease is carried out even within the walls of the maternity hospital - approximately 3-7 days after the birth of the baby. Furthermore, every year, in order to diagnose residual immunity, Mantoux vaccine is given.

Evaluation of the results is carried out by measuring the residual hyperemic spot. Therefore, mothers are often interested in and are looking for information about the age at which the spot size after the sample is to be. Let's take a closer look at what the norm of Mantoux sizes should be in children under 3 years old.

What should Mantoux be?

Mantoux test itself is an artificially created drug that includes a pathogen of tuberculosis. Therefore, if after injection of this drug there is no reaction at the injection site, this means that the organism is already familiar with this pathogen, i.e. vaccine in the hospital was successful. In this case, the size of redness, infiltration is very important.

Many parents, not knowing what is normal in children in 3 years should be a reaction to Mantoux, are simply puzzled by the fact that in their opinion, the swelling and redness are large, and they are not sent for a second trial. The thing is that the sizes of redness from the Mantoux vaccine look necessarily in dynamics, according to past years, because the reaction in each case is very individual.

In general, the evaluation of the results of the conducted sample is carried out as follows:

  1. The sample is negative, if the place of the injection of the seal, redness is not detected.
  2. With a doubtful result, there is a slight reddening, as well as the presence of a papule no larger than 5 mm. In such cases, doctors, first of all, look at the results of previous tests, monitor the dynamics of changes, and also identify infected people who are in the close environment of the baby.
  3. With a positive sample, a vial remains at the injection site, the height of which is more than 5 mm. In this case, the child is required to consult a phthisiatrician.
  4. If, on the injection site, the formation of a papule more than 15 mm is observed, and a crust or a vesicle appears, the baby is treated.

What size Mantus should a child have 3 years?

When Mantoux test is performed at 3 years, the evaluation of the reaction in children is carried out according to the norm:

Evaluation of the results should be performed solely by the doctor, taking into account the early tests. Therefore, in no case mum should not measure the redness on its own, and draw some conclusions.

Thus, one should not underestimate the Mantoux test, which allows not only to identify the pathogen at an early stage, but also contributes to the timely initiation of therapy. After all, the duration of treatment of a disease such as tuberculosis is very high, and it may take 3-4 months.