BCG Inoculation

BCG (Bacillum Calmette Guerin, BCG) is a vaccine against tuberculosis. The creators of this vaccine - the French scientists Geren and Kalmet, announced their discovery in 1923. In the same, in 1923, the vaccine was first applied. This drug was widely distributed several years later. In the USSR, children began to make mandatory vaccination with BCG vaccine since 1962.

How does BCG protect against tuberculosis?

The BCG vaccine contains a strain of bovine tubercle bacillus that is specially grown in an artificial environment. The bacillus strain is resistant to the external environment and, at the same time, causes a disease in a person to such an extent that immunity can be developed to it.

Tuberculosis is known for a long time. For the long history this illness has carried away not one thousand human lives. This ailment has become a real social problem and the methods of combating it must be the most radical. Tuberculosis affects children very quickly, because the children's immune system is still poorly developed in relation to such diseases. The vaccination of BCG significantly reduced morbidity and mortality from this dangerous disease for man, as tuberculosis is much easier to prevent than treat.

Vaccination of BCG

BCG vaccination is the first vaccine in the life of a newborn. Vaccination is performed on the 3rd-7th day of the child's life. Revaccination is carried out at the age of 7 and 14 years. There is a kind of BCG vaccine - BCG m - more sparing. This vaccine is applied to children belonging to the following categories:

Adverse reactions and complications of BCG

The BCG vaccine is administered intradermally. The normal reaction of the body to BCG vaccination is the trace on the skin - scar. This scar marks the successful transfer of local tuberculosis. If the scar on the skin after BCG fester, then you need to see a doctor.

According to doctors, most complications after BCG vaccination are caused by improper technique of vaccine introduction. BCG vaccination to newborns is a very important process, during which sterility must be observed, first of all. When there are tumors, severe itching, worsening of general well-being after BCG in a child, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

Contraindications to BCG

Vaccination BCG is contraindicated in the following groups of children:

Mantoux test

The Mantoux test is a method of early diagnosis of tuberculosis. The Mantoux test consists of subcutaneous administration of small doses of tuberculin, an allergen, to the baby's body, which is obtained from bacteria of tuberculosis. Then, for three days, the local reaction is checked. If there is a strong inflammation, it means that the child's organism has already met with tuberculosis bacteria. The Mantoux test and BCG vaccination are not the same. The Mantoux test is carried out annually even for those children who are exempt from routine vaccinations.