Do not breathe a nose in the child - what to do?

The reasons why the crumb complains about the bad work of the spout can be a lot. To struggle with this problem it is necessary, after all thanks to correct work of nasal passages, the organism of the baby is saturated with oxygen. Before answering the question of what to do, if the child's nose does not breathe, you need to understand the reasons that led to this condition.

Why does not the baby breathe through the nose?

The main factors that can trigger nasal obstruction are:

  1. Allergic reaction. If the child's nose does not always breathe, then maybe you are faced with the manifestation of an allergy. To identify the irritant and prescribe the correct treatment, most likely, it will be possible only in the clinic, but to provide first aid to the baby can be drops of Fenistil, which are allowed from a month old.
  2. Enlarged adenoids. The cause of this phenomenon is most often the transferred infection or the virus. With this state you can not joke, because not rendered in time help can lead to surgery. If a child does not breathe a nose for this reason, then it is necessary to treat with what it is usual to remove the edema of adenoid vegetations. For this, nasal sprays with mometasone are used, such as Nazonex, Desinitis, and the like.
  3. Dried slime in the spout. With this situation, parents may encounter both newborns and babies who do not yet know how to nose their nose. Infants do not need to be treated, but hygiene is recommended. For older children, the appearance of crusts in the nose can be caused by a runny nose. And in the first and second cases, if the child does not breathe a nose, the treatment is based on the use of salt solutions: Akvalor, Salin, etc.

In conclusion, I want to say that any runny nose can cause nasal congestion. Therefore, before using vasoconstrictors for the treatment of a youngster, consult a doctor, because the etiology of rhinitis is different.