How are cysts treated?
Before treating the ovarian cyst medically, the doctor must necessarily exclude tumor-like formations. After this, they start therapeutic actions.
Treatment of such a violation almost never does without hormonal drugs. Most of them occupy progesterone derivatives. An example of such may be Dyufaston, Utrozhestan.
Oral contraceptives are often used in the treatment of this type of disease. The course of taking these drugs can not only reduce the available cysts in size, but is also an excellent preventive tool to exclude the appearance of new ones. Among such preparations it is necessary to allocate: Diane-35, Antotevin, Marvelon, Logest, Zhanin. The appointment is carried out exclusively by the doctor, indicating the dosage, multiplicity and duration of the drug.
Also, the cyst treatment process includes the use of anti-inflammatory drugs - Ibuprofen, Voltaren. This allows you to achieve a better result.
Separately it is necessary to say about physiotherapy, which also takes place in a complex of therapeutic measures in the ovarian cyst.
How to treat an ovarian cyst at home?
As a rule, before seeking a doctor, women try to cope with the disease on their own . However, this should not be done. Any remedy should be approved by a doctor.
Some women, after learning about the disease, are wondering whether it is generally necessary to treat the ovarian cyst. It must be said that only functional types of cysts (follicular and yellow body) can be subjected to independent resorption. The rest require treatment.