Harm to coffee

In the 17th century, a hot drink such as coffee, popular all over the world, gained popularity. Approximately from the same time, scientists from all countries are arguing about whether the coffee brings harm or benefit to the body.

Is it harmful to drink coffee?

Everything should be in moderation and on the recommendations of experts more than one cup a day you can not drink coffee. For those who neglect the rules of total one - depression, neurosis, anxiety, irritability, lethargy. Here is the answer to the age-old question whether it is harmful to drink a lot of coffee. Unfortunately, all these symptoms manifest themselves over several years of excessive coffee consumption. And when they find out, it's already late.

For those who still doubt whether it is harmful for health, it is necessary to clarify that this drink is considered akin to a drug. It is addictive and people who daily for a long time take it, then walk like sleepwalkers until they "take the dose."

On what in the human body can have a negative effect of coffee:

  1. Nervous system. The central nervous system of man is susceptible to the negative influence of coffee because of the content in it of a component such as caffeine.
  2. Genitourinary system. There is a very useful eastern tradition - to supply water to coffee in an equivalent volume. Since coffee has a diuretic property, the body is dehydrated. The person himself rarely notices, but as a result not only the kidneys and the ureter system suffer, but every cell of your body. Unfortunately, this tradition is not in our favor. If you really do not want coffee, do not forget to drink plenty of other liquids.
  3. A heart. Among people there is a version that coffee destroys the cardiovascular system. This is not entirely true. What is harmful for the heart? It raises the pressure, but not for long, since the diuretic function of coffee makes it possible for it to be quickly removed from the body. The pressure drops. This can be dangerous for people who already have heart problems. For healthy people, only the risk of getting an appointment with a cardiologist increases, although only slightly.
  4. Stomach. Coffee has an effect on the increase of acidity in the stomach environment. As a result, gastritis, heartburn and even ulcer. To avoid this, just do not drink coffee on an empty stomach. First you need to eat something more edible and useful.

Harmful soluble coffee for the body

Due to its production, instant coffee at a minimum contains coffee and caffeine itself. However, the damage from it does not become less. Advertising today is absolutely not worth trusting, and there is nothing natural in soluble coffee. When it is processed into a soluble, substances that destroy your liver and stomach in the first place must be added. And, the longer you drink it, the more difficult it will be to restore the body in the future. Especially dangerous for drinking coffee in bags with various flavors. Although their coffee is difficult to name.

Decaffeinated coffee

Decaffeinated coffee is harmful in the same way as normal, if not more. In order not to complicate the aforesaid, we will not describe the process of getting natural coffee from caffeine. Importantly, there is only one thing - to preserve the taste and properties of such coffee napigovivaetsya different chemicals. And it is already difficult to determine what is more terrible for your body.

Milk and coffee

According to the research of many scientists coffee with milk is harmful to drink even more than just coffee. Milk activates all the harmful substances contained in the coffee drink, enhancing their effect on your body. According to statistics, people who drink coffee with milk, are much more likely to have cancer of the stomach and esophagus. Coffee itself is dangerous for the condition of human bones, it draws and displays calcium. But in order to preserve this mineral in your body, you should not mix coffee with milk. Eat better cottage cheese, cream and drink milk in its pure form.

The damage to natural coffee

The damage to natural coffee leaves behind all the same positions that were listed above. This is both addictive, and the withdrawal of calcium, and a diuretic effect. Excluded only the admixture of chemicals.