Determination of the index of group cohesion Sishora

Group cohesion is a parameter that demonstrates the level of integration of a group or collective of people. The coefficient of group cohesion in sociometry can be identified if a large amount of work is done to calculate the data in the sociometric matrix, and then to highlight the indicators of group cohesion and disunity. But if you think that to calculate the index of group cohesion is possible only with the help of complex and lengthy in the processing and interpretation of techniques, then you are mistaken. It is much easier to do this with the help of a methodology consisting of only 5 questions, which we will consider and learn how to use further.

Group cohesion of Sisora

At the beginning of the last century, psychology began to actively develop methods that allow us to identify the intra-collective climate, hidden disagreements, etc. for their elimination in the future. It was revealed that the ability of each person to join the team is influenced by several groups of factors:

The definition of group cohesion of Sishora plays a huge role in the already formed collectives, which for a long time can not establish interpersonal relations.

This technique not only makes it possible to unite the collective even more with the help of revealing its "unattached" members, but also, as a result, to increase the efficiency of its work and the overall level of profitability of the enterprise.

Diagnostics of group cohesion

So, before you are 5 questions, each of which has several options for an answer. Choose the most suitable for you. Do not forget that during the survey, you do not need to put scores.

1. How would you rate your belonging to the group?

2. Would you go to another group if you had the opportunity (without changing other conditions)?

3. What are the relationships between members of your group?

4. What are your relationships with the management?

5. What is the attitude to the case (study, etc.) in your team?

Next, to determine the level of group cohesion Sishora, it is necessary to calculate the received balls. If you did everything correctly, the result should fluctuate within the limits of the below mentioned norms.

Levels of group cohesion:

This test will be very informative for you, if you are the leader of any team. You will find out who is accustomed to acting only for yourself for good, and who makes the maximum effort for the successful activities of the entire group as a whole.