Anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology - a list of the best drugs

Doctors often use anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology. This group of drugs is used both rectally and vaginally. Local effects on the source of inflammation contribute to a rapid arrest of the pathological process. However, it must be taken into account that it is not always and not always possible to use these preparations.

What candles are used in gynecology?

By themselves, anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology are used only as one of the medicinal forms of medications. They consist of a base, giving a candle shape, and a medicinal component. Their characteristic feature is the ability to remain in the solid state at room temperature and to pass into the liquid at body temperature. There are several varieties of suppositories. So, the form of administration of a candle from inflammation in gynecology is divided into 2 groups:

In addition, anti-inflammatory suppositories, in gynecology used, can be conditionally divided according to the type of action:

Vaginal suppositories

Anti-inflammatory vaginal suppositories are used for various types of reproductive system diseases. This form of medications is common because of the ease of use and speed of the onset of therapeutic effect. The use of candles eliminates errors associated with a violation of dosage and the frequency of drug intake. Among the diseases in which vaginal suppositories are used, it is worth highlighting:

  1. Violation of the menstrual cycle - an increase or decrease in the volume of menstrual cycles, a change in the duration of the cycle, the absence of menstruation.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the reproductive system - salpingitis , oophoritis, adnexitis , cervicitis , colpitis.
  3. Painful sensations in the pelvic area.
  4. Chronic diseases of the reproductive system.
  5. Violation of sexual function.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology have a local therapeutic effect. The medicinal component acts directly on the focus of inflammation. Due to this, the effect on the stomach and liver is excluded, as when taking tablet formulations. The components of the suppository quickly penetrate into the blood, and the effect from their use can be seen after just 1 hour.

Rectal Suppositories

This type of suppository is often used in the treatment of diseases of the rectum. Hemorrhoids in women is a frequent consequence of delivery and the process of pregnancy. However, the candles can also be introduced into the rectum in diseases of the reproductive system. Rectal anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology are used for such diseases as:

Anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology - list of names

Suppositories in gynecology are used often, so the pharmaceutical market presents a great variety of them. All of them have a different therapeutic effect, the choice of the drug is due to the type of pathogen. Vaginal suppositories not only have a local, but also a general effect on the body, so they must be used in strict accordance with medical prescriptions.

Candles rectal anti-inflammatory in gynecology - list

Anti-inflammatory rectal suppositories in gynecology are prescribed exclusively by a physician. This takes into account the type of disorder, the stage of the pathological process, the severity of the symptoms. Because of this, such a thing as "good anti-inflammatory suppositories" in gynecology is not applicable. It is necessary to understand that in order to achieve a therapeutic effect, one must adhere to the prescribed dosage regimen: dosage, multiplicity and duration of administration. Among the common rectal suppositories with anti-inflammatory effect:

Vaginal anti-inflammatory suppositories - List

Assigning candles from inflammation to women, doctors take into account the cause that led to the disorder, and the stage of the pathological process. Selection of the drug is carried out individually. Among the vaginal suppositories in inflammatory processes are often used:

Effective anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology are used more often than others. Due to the absence of the hormonal component, they do not violate the hormonal background in the female body. At the same time, their use makes it possible to simultaneously have several therapeutic effects on the body:

Candles for inflammation of appendages

With adnexitis pathogens are often the pathogen, so the basis of the therapeutic process is made up of antibacterial drugs. Anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology with inflammation of the appendages are used as an additional agent in the complex therapy. Among the drugs used in this pathology, it is necessary to distinguish:

Apply anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology begin simultaneously with the beginning of the course of antibiotic therapy. The duration of treatment is set individually by the doctor. Most often it does not exceed 7-10 days. Improvement of well-being and disappearance of individual symptoms of the patient are observed already for 1-2 days. The entire course of therapy for inflammatory processes of the reproductive system is divided into individual cases up to 1 month.

Candles for inflammation of the ovaries

Anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology for ovarian inflammation often form the basis of treatment. Selection of drugs is carried out in each individual case individually and taking into account the type of disorder, the causative agent of the disease. It should be noted that often with inflammation of the gonads in the pathological process, the organs of the abdominal cavity are involved, so the therapy is carried out in a complex manner. Among the anti-inflammatory suppositories used for this type of pathology, we can distinguish:

Candles for cervical inflammation

Anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology for inflammation of the uterus and its cervix are used to quickly stop the pathological process. This prevents the spread of the disease to the appendages. Often, suppositories with anti-inflammatory effect are used after the procedure such as cauterization of cervical erosion. The course is set individually, taking into account the severity of the pathology and the stage of the disease. Among the commonly used drugs:

Inflammatory processes in the cervix are always accompanied by damage to its mucous layer. To accelerate the recovery process, use suppositories with a healing effect:

Candles for inflammation and thrush

Often, with gynecological diseases, the physician is faced with the task of prescribing a drug that has both anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects. In such cases, doctors use anesthetic and anti-inflammatory suppositories, in gynecology that are prescribed as part of a comprehensive treatment. Depending on the type of pathogen, the type of drug, its dosage, frequency and duration of use is selected.

Thus, when the reproductive system of a woman is affected by fungi of the genus Candida, antifungal suppositories are used, which also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Among the medicines widely used in candidiasis, it is necessary to distinguish:

Anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology with endometriosis

Often, anti-inflammatory vaginal suppositories in gynecology are used in such a violation as endometriosis. The disease is characterized by damage to the inner layer of the uterus, which increases the risk of accompanying gynecological pathologies. The disease is always accompanied by a decrease in local immunity, so immunostimulants (Viferon) and vitamins (E, C) are prescribed. In parallel use and suppositories:

After endometriosis in the place of foci of inflammation, spikes can form. To reduce the severity of the adhesive process, to prevent their appearance, doctors prescribe the drug Longidase. It has anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect, improves trophism of uterine tissues, reduces stagnation. The medicine is used in strict accordance with the prescription of the doctor.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology with breastfeeding

Childbirth is a responsible and complex process, which for the woman is accompanied by numerous complications. Stretching, tearing of the perineal and vulva tissues, carried out episiotomy often require the use of special medications. To help come anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology, their nursing mother is appointed with caution. Among drugs with less risk of penetration of the drug into breast milk, there are: