How to treat colpitis?

Inflammatory diseases of the vagina are among the most frequent lesions of the organs of the reproductive system. The most common colpitis is caused by bacteria or fungi that enter the vagina when the rules of personal hygiene and promiscuity are not respected. The most formidable complications of colpitis are the ascent of infection and secondary damage to appendages ( adnexitis ), fallopian tubes and inflammatory lesion of the walls of the uterus. All of the above leads to the formation of adhesions, which can result in infertility or ectopic pregnancy. In this article we will consider how to treat various types of colpitis in women.

What medicines to treat colpitis?

Medication of colpitis depends on the cause that caused it, and it is quite diverse. So, any scheme of colpitis treatment includes vaginal drugs (vaginal pills and suppositories, dandruff and syringing) and oral (those that are taken through the mouth).

Of course, it is possible to choose the best treatment by sowing vaginal discharge on a nutrient medium, and then to test the sensitivity of microflora to antibiotics. However, this can take quite some time, and pathogenic bacteria can in the meantime multiply and rise higher. Therefore, treatment with antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action is started.

It is important to include in the treatment of immunostimulating drugs, so that the body was easier to fight infection, and adhere to the diet (exclude acute and alcohol). Colpitis is treated at home after consultation with a gynecologist in advance.

It is necessary to say that it is obligatory to examine your sexual partner for the presence of a pathogen. The absence of partner treatment for colpitis is the key to re-infection, which will bring to nothing the effect of the therapy.

Of particular note deserves a cuneiform colpitis, the treatment of which requires the appointment of hormonal drugs (Angelica, Indinina, Ovestin suppositories). This type of inflammation is caused by hormonal changes in premenopausal women.

How to cure colpitis with folk remedies?

Advocates of traditional medicine are wondering whether it is possible to cure colpitis with herbs? You can, if competently combine them with traditional methods (antibacterial and antifungal agents). Thus, broths of chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot, yarrow, medicinal sage can be used for both douches and douches. These herbs have an anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect, they can be used alone or in the form of medicinal fees. Also, the broths of these herbs can be used as tampons. With bacterial, trichomoniasis and fungal colpitis, an alcohol solution of propolis can be used in the treatment as douches.

How to treat chronic colpitis?

In patients with chronic colpitis treatment should be performed by an experienced gynecologist, since this condition is most often a consequence of an incomplete acute inflammatory process. In the treatment of chronic colpitis should be included antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating drugs, as well as local therapy (syringing, washing with anti-inflammatory solutions, vaginal suppositories and tampons). The appointment of physiotherapy is appropriate for preventing the formation of adhesions in the organs of the small pelvis. During the treatment of chronic colpitis, sexual intercourse should be excluded.

Thus, we examined how colpitis is treated, and found that to successfully combat this disease, you should consult a doctor to conduct the necessary examinations, to identify the cause and to prescribe adequate therapy.