Compression fracture of the spine - causes and treatment of all severity of injury

Compression fracture of the spine is a dangerous and insidious injury. In the absence of bright symptoms and severe pain, the injured person does not go to the doctor for timely medical assistance. Any compression fracture is fraught with negative consequences, among which are problems with sensitivity and paralysis.

Compression fracture of the spine - causes

To understand where a compression fracture of the spine is possible, what it is, one should turn to the anatomy of the vertebral column. The vertebral column consists of vertebral bones with a body, seven processes, an arc and a vertebral canal in which the spinal cord is located. At a strong pressure - compression - the whole vertebra or its parts can be deformed. Compression can occur for the following reasons:

Degrees of compression fracture of the spine

On the strength of the complexity of the injury, three levels of compression fracture are distinguished:

  1. Compression fracture of the spine of 1 degree - the vertebra is deformed to 20-40% of the original size. This trauma rarely leads to complications, is amenable to therapeutic treatment.
  2. Fracture of the 2nd degree - squeezing the vertebra twice. Damaged parts of the vertebra can squeeze the spinal cord.
  3. Fracture of the third degree - the vertebrae decreases more than twice. In this case, surgical intervention is mandatory, but does not guarantee the full return of lost functions.

Compression fracture of the spine - symptoms

The best way to determine the compression fracture of the spine is the hardware methods. With the help of CT, MRI , X-ray, myelography and densitometry, it is possible to determine the location of the lesion and the effect of injury on the functionality of the spinal cord. When examining a patient, the neurologist draws attention to such signs of compression damage:

Compression fracture of the cervical spine

Compression fracture of the cervical spine doctors are called the most dangerous. With severe damage a person can refuse limbs and lose sensitivity throughout the body below the fracture level. A sharp strong squeezing can seriously damage the spinal cord and lead to death. This fracture of the spine, the signs of which may coincide with the symptoms of damage to other parts of the spine, is marked by a sharp pain in the neck. Soreness can spread to the lower parts, giving into hands, accompanied by swelling and a feeling of heat in the place of injury.

Compression fracture of the thoracic spine

Breast injury is attributed to rare injuries, because the cervical and lumbar vertebrae are weaker and bear a blow worse. Fractures in this part of the spine are more often caused by osteoporosis and cancer. Damage of 1 degree for a long time remains a person unnoticed - signs of a compression fracture of the spine in the thoracic area show themselves poorly. A damaged vertebra may continue to function for a long period of time, but it is permanently destroyed, which will one day manifest itself as serious complications.

Compression fracture of the lumbar spine

Compression fracture of the spine of the lumbar spine is considered a frequent pathology. It leads to such situations:

The risk of damage can increase if there is osteoporosis, cancer or curvature of the spine. With mild damage, the pain and disruption of the neurological plan may disappear after 3-4 days. In case of moderate damage, drug therapy is necessary and, according to indications, surgical intervention or plastic surgery. In cases of severe multiple or complicated damage, surgery and long rehabilitation are necessary, which does not always lead to complete recovery.


Compression fracture of the spine - treatment

Before treating compression fracture of the spine, it is important to find out the exact place of damage and the degree of deformation of the vertebra. The treatment is complex and consists of the following activities:

Fixation of the injury site can last up to 3 months, depending on the speed of recovery of the injured segments and the return of lost functions. Sometimes, several operations may be required before the vertebra becomes the right shape. After removing the fixing devices, a long period of rehabilitation begins. If the spinal cord is severely damaged during a trauma, it is very difficult to restore motor abilities and sensitivity. If treatment does not lead to the desired result, a person may receive a disability.

Fracture of the spine - first aid

The first help in fracturing the spine is to maximally immobilize a person. In car accidents, non-involved people rush to pull victims out of the car by any means. This can not be done, because in the presence of a fracture of the spine, the spinal cord can be broken. In such cases it is better to wait for the arrival of rescuers or emergency doctors.

If you suspect a spinal injury, the patient is placed on a stiff stretcher and taken to a hospital. If a compression fracture of the cervical spine is supposed, then it is necessary to fix the neck with a collar of Shantz or rigid sacs. If a vertebral fracture is suspected in the chest and lower back, the patient is placed on his back, and a roller is placed under the damaged area. If the coccyx is injured, the patient is placed on the stomach.

Physiotherapy with compression fracture of the spine

If a person has a fracture of the spine, what should the doctor have to say on the basis of a complete examination and observation. In the second stage of therapy, when the doctor will allow the patient to move, physiotherapy will play an auxiliary role in the treatment. With her help, you can accelerate the recovery of nerves, muscles and bone tissue. In rehabilitation after fractures apply such physiotherapy methods:

  1. UHF . It is used to reduce pain, relieve swelling and improve blood circulation.
  2. Electrophoresis. With its help saturate the affected area with the necessary substances and medicines: calcium salts, Euphyllinum, nicotinic acid. Can be used for anesthesia.
  3. Myostimulation . Used to improve muscle activity.
  4. Paraffin-ozocerite sessions. Help to improve the condition of muscles.
  5. UFO. Used to destroy harmful microflora.
  6. Balneotherapy. Used to reduce pain, improve blood circulation, remove muscle clamps.
  7. Magnetotherapy . With her help relieve pain, speed recovery.

Compression fracture of the spine - operation

Operation with compression fracture of the spine is indicated in case of severe deformation of the vertebra with compression of the nerve, vertebral fractures, and fragments. In cases of moderate damage, these types of surgical interventions are used:

  1. Vertebroplasty. Through a cut in the skin, a needle with a special cement is inserted into the vertebra, which allows to strengthen the segment.
  2. Kyphoplasty. A balloon is placed in the vertebra, with the help of which the vertebra is restored. From the reconstructed vertebra the balloon is removed, and the cavity is poured with cement.

In severe injuries, such methods of surgical intervention as:

  1. Classical surgery: removal of fragments, fixation of the vertebra.
  2. Spondylodez. Metal locks or plates damaged vertebra attached to the adjacent.
  3. Implantation. Replacement of an injured vertebra with an artificial vertebra.
  4. Transplantation. The destroyed parts of the spine are replaced by the other bones of the human body.

Nutrition with compression fracture of the spine

To accelerate the healing and restoration of damaged functions, it is recommended to correct the diet. It should be saturated with products containing calcium, magnesium and zinc: wheat bran, seeds, nuts, buckwheat, unpolished rice, oatmeal. It is necessary to exclude fatty and canned products, as well as products that wash out calcium: sweets, lemonade, beer, a lot of coffee, excessive consumption of watermelons and citrus.

It is useful to use the following vitamins for fracture of the spine: vitamin C, group B, vitamin D and K. They are found in such foods: liver, eggs, corn, sour cream, sea buckthorn, sea fish, kiwi, dogrose. To get the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals it is useful to take multivitamin complexes: Osteo Sanum, Vitrum Osteomag, Andjoy NT.

Compression fracture of the spine - rehabilitation

Rehabilitation after a compression fracture of the spine can last up to two years. The specific period of recovery depends on the strength of the lesion, the age of the patient, the characteristics of the organism and the treatment performed. With an uncomplicated fracture, the first medical exercises and respiratory gymnastics are prescribed after a week. Gradually exercises complicate, add physiotherapy procedures and massage. Good treatment is effective in sanatoriums.

In case of complex injuries, the rehabilitation measures should be carried out with the exact observance of the doctor's recommendations. The patient performs initially the simplest exercises, preparing for sitting and walking. Correct and systematic execution of all rehabilitation measures helps to restore all functions faster and return to normal life.

Corset with compression fracture of the spine

Gypsum corset after a compression fracture of the spine is imposed immediately in the hospital after undergoing an initial rehabilitation course. Its function is to hold the vertebrae in a physiologically correct position. After 3-4 months, the patient must wear a hard corset on a metal-plastic base, they buy it in pharmacies. When the fracture is fully consolidated and the callus is formed, the hard corset can be changed to elastic - it makes it easier to move and tilt.

LFK at a compression fracture of a backbone

Therapeutic exercises with compression fracture of the spine are mandatory at the entire stage of rehabilitation. First they consist of breathing exercises, to which the simplest actions are later added: raise the leg, arm, turn the head. Therapeutic exercises are performed under the supervision of a physician. Exercises are designed to prepare the spine for the stresses and restore the motor functions and the performance of the nervous system.

Massage with compression fracture of the spine

Physical education will have a greater effect if it is supplemented with a massage. According to the indications, the massage starts to be done on the 3rd day after the vertebral fracture occurred. Perform it should a specialist who knows the specifics of spinal injuries. For the treatment of vertebral injuries, massage with classical, point and reflex components is used. At the 1st stage, a light massage with stimulation of individual zones is done. At the 2 nd and 3 rd stage, the massage is lengthened, and the techniques used are enlarged.

Fracture of the spine - consequences

Consequences of a compression fracture of the spine can manifest themselves after a time after trauma. The negative consequences of a fracture include: