Clinical blood test

The most common study that can find out the causes of such symptoms as high body temperature, weakness, dizziness, identify diseases of internal organs and systems, is a clinical blood test. As a rule, he is appointed at the very first admission of the therapist, especially if the signs of the available illnesses are not sufficiently expressed for an accurate diagnosis.

What does the clinical blood test show?

Thanks to the described method of investigation, it is possible to identify:

This allows you to determine the parameters (basic) of the clinical blood test:

  1. Leukocytes are white blood cells, they are responsible for immune defense, recognition, neutralization and elimination of pathogenic microorganisms and cells.
  2. Erythrocytes - red blood cells, are necessary for the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
  3. Hemoglobin is the pigment of erythrocytes, giving them the properties described above.
  4. The color index of the blood is the value that indicates how much of the biological fluid is in the red blood cells.
  5. Hematocrit - the percentage ratio of erythrocytes and plasma.
  6. Reticulocytes are immature (young) forms of erythrocytes, their predecessors.
  7. Platelets - blood platelets, are responsible for the processes of blood clotting.
  8. Lymphocytes - cells of the immune system, fight with the causative agents of viral infections.
  9. ESR is the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, an indicator of pathological conditions in the body.

In addition to these parameters, a general or expanded clinical blood test may include other items of research:

1. Erythrocyte indices:

2. Leukocyte indices:

3. Thrombocyte indices:

Clinical blood test is given on an empty stomach or not?

Despite the fact that special training is not required to perform the study in question, it is advisable to do it on an empty stomach. Doctors recommend taking biological material no earlier than 8 hours after eating.

It is worth noting that sometimes a clinical analysis of blood from the vein. In such cases it is necessary not only not to eat before going to the laboratory, but not to drink. A glass of ordinary water can reduce the informativeness and accuracy of the study.

Norms of the results of a clinical blood test

The reference values ​​of the main indicators described are as follows:

It is important to remember that the established norms may differ depending on the age and sex of the person, as well as the accuracy of the equipment used in the laboratory.