Symptoms of liver disease in women

The liver is the most important organ, on the basis of which the general state of the organism depends. It is through the liver that blood purifies from harmful substances, it produces proteins to regulate blood clotting, bile for the cleavage of fats, cells of the immune system, etc. Therefore, the health of this body is very important.

The main causes of liver diseases are:

Many diseases of this body can not be felt for a long time. For example, fatty liver disease often occurs without symptoms. The first symptoms of liver disease, clinical manifestations are specific and common (characteristic of many pathologies), bright or worn out, permanent or periodic. In this case, the more erased features are characteristic for chronic liver diseases, the symptoms of which are observed in the period of exacerbations. Consider what symptoms appear in liver diseases in women most often.

The main signs of liver disease


With liver pathologies, pain occurs as a result of the dilatation of its capsule containing nerve endings, which may be associated with inflammatory edema, tumors, stagnation, etc. As a rule, pain sensations are gradually increasing, paroxysmal, characterized by varying intensity and are often described by patients as aching, pressing. In some cases, there may be a constant sense of heaviness in the right side, in others - the appearance of discomfort after eating fatty, fried, smoked foods.

Localized pain in the region of the right hypochondrium, can give in the right hand, shoulder blade, imitate the soreness of other organs. If there is a cramping, sharp, intense pain of this localization, then, most likely, it is associated with diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts.

Cutaneous manifestations

Many liver diseases show symptoms on the skin, among which are the following:

  1. The marked pallor associated with anemia, which appears as a result of impaired absorption of nutrients and a decrease in the amount of protein for the production of hemoglobin.
  2. Jaundice of the skin, as well as mucous membranes and sclera associated with high bilirubin content in the blood, a violation of the binding of fractions of this pigment and their excretion from the body.
  3. Itching of the skin due to the ingestion of toxic substances into the blood.
  4. The appearance of vascular "stars" (more often on the abdomen, back), which is caused by a violation of protein-synthesizing function of the liver and a decrease in the amount of protein clotting factors.
  5. The formation of hematomas on the skin, even as a result of light strokes, is associated with increased fragility of the capillaries.
  6. Redness of the skin on the palms in the form of symmetrical spots, which in women can be associated with an excess in the blood of estrogens due to a decrease in liver function.

Other symptoms of liver disease in women

Signs of poor performance of the digestive system

Symptoms associated with digestive disorders:

Symptoms from the CNS

Violation of the central nervous system:

These signs are mainly associated with intoxication of the body.

Change in body temperature

Not all diseases of the liver are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. It may increase slightly with hepatitis, cirrhosis . A significant increase in temperature (above 39 degrees) sometimes indicates the development of purulent processes in the gallbladder or bile ducts.