Bacterial infection

Bacterial infections are a vast group of diseases caused by various types of bacteria - microorganisms, mostly unicellular ones, which are characterized by the absence of a cell wall surrounded by a membrane and the presence of a strong cell wall. Bacteria are subdivided on several grounds, including the shape of the cell, depending on which are isolated:

The peculiarity of bacterial infections is that during the life activity and after the death of bacteria, toxins are released, causing inflammation, intoxication and tissue damage. Bacterial infections develop either due to the activation of their own microflora of the body with a decrease in immunity, or as a result of infection from a sick person or bacterial carrier.

Types of bacterial infections

All bacterial infections by the mechanism of transmission are divided into four types:

  1. Acute intestinal bacterial infections are mainly a fecal-oral route of transmission (salmonellosis, typhoid fever, dysentery, food poisoning, campylobacteriosis, etc.).
  2. Bacterial infections of the respiratory tract - aspiration route of transmission (sinusitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.).
  3. Bacterial skin infections are the contact route of transmission (erysipelas, impetigo, phlegmon, furunculosis, hydradenitis, etc.).
  4. Bloody bacterial infections are a transmissible transmission mechanism (tularemia, plague, typhus fever, trench fever, etc.).

Also, bacterial infections can be subdivided depending on the organs that are affected, and depending on the affected systems:

Symptoms and signs of bacterial infections

Local symptoms of infections caused by various bacteria and affecting various parts of the body and organs are very specific. However, we can distinguish a number of common manifestations, characteristic of most cases of bacterial infections:

In laboratory diagnosis, bacterial infection is usually characterized by the following symptoms:

To identify the type of bacteria that caused the infectious process, the following studies can be conducted:

In the treatment of bacterial infections, antibacterial therapy , detoxification, and symptomatic therapy are used.