Skin diseases bring to man not only physical suffering, but also moral, due to their external manifestations. What are the diseases of the human skin? States with skin manifestations are many. Some of them are successfully treatable. The main thing is to put the right diagnosis and determine the cause of the disease.
The causes of skin diseases can be:
- violations of internal organs;
- violations of hormonal status;
- infectious diseases;
- injuries;
- allergies;
- dysbiosis;
- disruption of the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems;
- stress and other.
One of the leading causes of human skin diseases is infection. Infectious agents cause inflammation, poison the body with toxins, provoke allergic reactions, being allergens. As a result, the skin becomes pathological by removing allergens and toxins from the body. The second leading cause of skin diseases is internal diseases. Skin manifestations can be one of their symptoms.
Types of human skin diseases:
- hereditary;
- infectious, including viral, fungal and parasitic;
- oncological;
- allergic;
- post-traumatic;
- trophic;
- hormonal;
- as a reaction to stress, etc.
Hereditary Diseases of the Skin
Hereditary skin diseases are most often associated with impairment of keratinization, but may be accompanied by a lesion of connective tissue, increased sensitivity to light, dysplasia, impaired pigmentation and other symptoms. The main diseases of polyfactor etiology, including those associated with heredity, are psoriasis, neurodermatitis, vitiligo. Often, skin tumors inherited by an autosomal dominant type and located in the face are associated with tumors of internal organs.
Oncological diseases of human skin
To this group of skin diseases are benign, malignant and borderline tumors. From benign are the most common papillomas, lipomas, hemangiomas. Among malignant - basal cell, epithelioma (squamous cell carcinoma of the skin), melanoma - a tumor with a high degree of malignancy and lethality. A person should know all their formations on the skin in order to notice any changes in time, because if they do not diagnose and treat oncological skin diseases in time, they can lead to death. And in the early stages of malignant skin tumors are well treated and have a favorable prognosis.
Infectious diseases of the skin
To this group of diseases are:
- Pustular diseases caused by staphylococci and streptococci. The most common of them: boils, carbuncles, acne, etc.
- Fungal diseases of the skin (fungal infections), among which are often found: pityriasis, microsporia, trichophytosis and others.
- Candidiasis caused by yeast-like fungi and affecting the skin, mucous and internal organs.
- Viral skin diseases that cause a measles-like rash (measles, rubella, infectious mononucleosis), scarlatina-like rash (enterovirus, adenovirus), vesicles (chickenpox, herpes) and others.
- Parasitic skin diseases caused by exoparasites (pediculosis) and endoparasites (scabies, demodicosis).
Other types of skin diseases
Allergic reactions of the body are often accompanied by itchy rashes on the skin. The condition improves with the intake of antihistamines and antiallergic drugs. With changes in the hormonal balance in the body, in particular, in adolescence, acne can occur, usually on the face, chest, back. With third degree burns, blisters develop on the skin, which after eruption form erosions and ulcers, which in some cases require plastic surgery. After injuries with damage to the skin, scars can remain, including very rough ones, which cause discomfort in a person, especially if they are located in open areas of the body. With circulatory disorders in the lower extremities on the legs and feet, trophic ulcers can be formed, which are difficult to treat, because The reason that led to their education, as a rule, can not be eliminated. Stressful situations can also manifest themselves in a person with skin diseases.
In any case, you should not self-medicate. If you find any formations on your skin - this is an occasion to contact a dermatologist who will put an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.