The second chin - how to get rid?

Excess fat fold in the chin - a problem familiar not only to the full ladies, but also to the owners of a beautiful figure and normal weight. Today we find out why the second chin appears and how, in fact, get rid of this defect.

The causes of the formation of the second chin

Appearance, not pleasing to the eye, creases on the chin is often due to hereditary predisposition. In addition, the second chin is a constant companion of excess weight and diabetes. Another reason is the loss of skin elasticity, because of which an ugly sagging area forms on the chin.

Often, a hated crease appears with a sharp decrease in weight, which is why the fight with the second chin is mainly not in losing weight, but in a special gym that supports the muscles of the neck and face in a tone.

Gymnastics from the second chin

Tighten the muscles in the chin area will help a few simple exercises, which should be performed daily:

  1. Say the sounds Oh, Y, And, And with all your might, straining your face muscles.
  2. Expose the lower jaw forward, try to reach the lower lip to the nose.
  3. Sit down, throw your head back. Count with a closed mouth count to ten. Muscles of the neck at the same time will strain.
  4. Put a hefty book on your head and walk around the room 3-6 minutes, keeping your back straight, so that the volume does not fall off.

Folk remedies for the second chin

Fat fold in the chin area will help remove special tightening masks:

  1. Potato and honey. A few medium potatoes boil, shred, to get a very thick mashed potatoes. Add 1 tablespoon of honey and salt, apply in a warm form to the problem area, fix the chin with a gauze bandage. Wash off the mask after 40 minutes.
  2. Mask made of clay. As a rule, get rid of the second chin cosmetic clay helps better than other means. The powder is diluted in water so that a thick gruel is formed. It is applied to the problem area, previously lubricating the skin with a nourishing cream. Masks are allowed to dry, lying in a lying position without a pillow.
  3. A yeast mask. Baking yeast (not powdered) in the amount of 1 spoon are bred in water or milk until pasty consistency. The mixture is allowed to stand for half an hour in the heat, and then the obtained "spoon" is spread on the chin and fixed with a gauze bandage. The mask should dry completely.

Women who are asked the question "What to do with the second chin?" Should reconcile with the fact that in one session, not a pretty fold does not disappear. But a few weeks or even months of regular gymnastics, supplemented with pull-up masks, will give an excellent result.