Random sex

Sex was always. Even in the distant Soviet Union, when all this was carefully concealed and people were shy of their desires. Other times have come: television and the media do not hide the piquant details of people's lives. Everybody knows about sex and nobody is ashamed of this occupation. On the contrary, there appeared a lot of TV programs, literature, which covers the issues of "art of love". Sex is different, and even random. About this and talk today.

Where and when?

Under what circumstances are casual relationships and sex? Most often, such situations occur where there are many representatives of the opposite sex, "hot" drinks, fun and drive:

With whom and why?

Random sex, as a rule, happens to a stranger. Non-committal relationships "at night" - this is a private matter for everyone. However, if you are married or have a serious relationship, then your relationship is considered a betrayal. Accidental sex by drunk, in this case, can only be a "mitigating" circumstance. Responsibility for your unscrupulous behavior from you no one removes.

Why does a person go to all serious? The reasons can be very diverse:

Remember that everything is good in moderation and everything must be approached responsibly. Look for pleasure where there is no threat to your health and life.