How to take folic acid during pregnancy?

Many future mothers, knowing from the stories of their friends about the need for folic acid in pregnancy, ask a question about how to take it. Let's give a complete and exhaustive answer to this question, and tell you about what this acid is for.

Why does the body need folic acid?

Folic acid (it's also vitamin B9) is very important in the period of cell division in the human body. It is she who helps to ensure that DNA and RNA have their full structure in newly formed cells. In other words, directly on this vitamin is the responsibility for the correct and rapid formation of organs and systems in the infant at the stage of its intrauterine development.

In view of the fact that at the onset of pregnancy the burden on the female body increases, the need for it in folic acid increases, which is also spent on the creation of a new organism.

How correctly to take folic acid during the current pregnancy?

In order to avoid possible problems in the form of malformations in the infant, vitamin B9 is often prescribed during the pregnancy planning phase.

If we talk about how to drink folic acid directly at an already occurring pregnancy, then it must be said that the dosage in each individual case should be indicated only by the doctor. Most doctors usually adhere to the following scheme - at least 800 micrograms of drug per day. In tablets this is 1 per day. In some cases, with a pronounced deficiency of this vitamin in the body of a future mother, the dose may be increased.

With regard directly to how long it is necessary to drink folic acid in a normal pregnancy, then the duration of reception is set individually. In most cases, it is prescribed practically from the very beginning and is taken during 1 and 2 trimesters.

What foods are folic acid?

The need for an organism of a pregnant woman in this vitamin can be replenished with the help of food. So vitamin B9 is rich in beef liver, soy, spinach, broccoli. It is not superfluous to include them in the daily diet.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, folic acid is an important component, the presence of which is necessary in the diet of the future mother. However, before taking folic acid during a recent pregnancy, it will be right to get a medical consultation. It is the doctor who will determine the dosage of the drug, and also indicate the duration of the course of its use.