They can be worn in your pocket: TOP 10 of the smallest breeds of cats

We will tell you about the tiniest cats in our article and present the rating of the smallest breeds.

On average, the average weight of an average cat is about 6 kg. There are several breeds of large sizes, where the weight of individual individuals can reach up to 20 kg. But also there are small or dwarf breeds of cats, in which the body weight can be from 900 grams and a maximum of 3-4 kg.

10. The Napoleon breed

The tenth place in our rating was taken by the cats of the Napoleon breed. The average weight of these fluffy and short-necked babies is 2.3-4 kg. The breed was obtained selectively by crossing Persian cats with munchkin cats.

9. The Bambino Breed

This American breed has almost the same weight as the previous representatives from 2.2 to 4 kg. But the bambino crumbs do not have wool, and their name is borrowed from the Italian word bambino, which in literal translation means "child". This breed of hairless babies was also bred by crossing munchkin, but with "bald" Canadian sphinxes.

8. The breed Lambkin "or Lamkin

The name of the breed lambkin in English means "lamb", as these crumbs have curly and soft wool, like a young lamb. The minimum weight of such a rock is fixed at around 1.8 kg, and the maximum weight is 4 kg. In the breeding process, cats of the munchkin and selkirk rex breeds were also used.

7. Breed Munchkin

The ancestor of all small breeds was the miniature breed of cats Munchkin. Some of these cats are jokingly called a cat analogue of the dachshund. The appearance of the Munchkin breed did not use selection, they arose independently in connection with the natural mutation of individual genes. Korotkolapyh, but absolutely healthy, cats began to meet in the 40-ies of the twentieth century in the United States, Britain and the USSR.

The Americans paid attention to these animals and gave them the name in honor of the fairy tale folk of the same name in the Oz Osh, in Russian translation they are called "munchkins". The weight of cats machkin varies in the area of ​​2.7-4 kg, and cats 1.8-3.6 kg. And in 2014, the smallest cat was recognized and entered in the Guinness Book of Records, Munchkin from the US named Liliput with an increase of only 13.34 cm.

6. The breed of Skukum

Cats of this breed have long wavy hair and weight from 1,8-3,5 kg, and cats - from 2,2 to 4 kg. The breed was bred by breeders by enthusiasts in crossing munchkin and lapram.

5. The Dwulf

This short-haired hairless breed, which will never grow more than up to 3 kg, is bred by crossing 3 different breeds: Munchkin, Canadian Sphynx, American curl.

4. Breed of Singapore

Singapore, or the Singaporean cat, originated from stray dwarf cats of the Republic of Singapore. In the 70-ies of the twentieth century, they were brought to the United States, and in the 80's - to Europe, but the breed was never popular. On average, adult female individuals reach a weight of up to 2 kg, and a male - 2.5-3 kg.

3. The Minskin breed

Another short-haired hairless breed of cats was bred by American breeders when they crossed the same munchkin and Canadian sphinxes. These cats reach a maximum of 19 cm in height, and do not exceed 2.7 kg in weight.

2. The Kinkalou breed

This breed of cats is small and relatively new. It was obtained by crossing the Munchkins and the American Curls. In Moscow, there is only one nursery of these representatives, and in the world there are only a few dozen kinkalou individuals. On average, cats of this breed weigh from 1.3 to 2.2 kg, and cats - from 2.2 to 3.1 kg.

1. The Skif-tai-don or the Toy-Bob

The Scythian-tai-don race was rightfully ranked 1st in our rating. Adult specimens of this breed can be no larger than a four-month old kitten of a normal domestic cat and have a weight of only 900 grams and a maximum of 2.5 kg. In cats of this breed a short and muscular body, a small straight or curled tail is only 3-7 cm long, and the hind legs are longer than the forelegs.

Yelena Krasnichenko started breeding in Rostov-on-Don when a family named Mishka, who had four bells on the tail, appeared in the family of her Mekong (Thai) bobtails. In 1985, Elena got herself another Thai cat named Sima, who had an unconventional short tail swirled in a bagel.

In 1988, Mishka and Sima were born the first litter, in which the kitten was absolutely different from the others and stood out sharply with its short body and small tail. It was this kid who became the founder of the new breed, which in 1994 was officially approved by the WCF felinologists of Russia and the CIS under the name of Scythian-tai-dong. The international name is that-bob, which in translation means "toy Bobtail". This breed is cultivated by nurseries in Moscow and Yekaterinburg, and only here you can buy a cat of this breed.