Biorevitalization of the face - everything you need to know about the injection and non-injection procedure

All the modern women heard about the procedure called "biorevitalization of the face", but not everyone experienced it. One of the reasons for this is the lack of awareness, as well as a lot of conflicting information regarding the effectiveness and possible harm of the technique. Consider all the most important things you need to know about the biorevitalization of a person.

Biorevitalization or mesotherapy - which is better?

In view of the wide range of procedures offered in beauty salons for rejuvenating and improving the appearance of the skin, it is not difficult to get lost and quickly stop choosing one or another technology. So, very often women can not decide what will be more effective - mesotherapy or biorevitalization. To clarify this, you need to consider these technologies in more detail, taking into account the indications and expected results. But you can immediately notice that the biorevitalization of the face is one of the types of mesotherapy, so these procedures have much in common.

Mesotherapy is a technique that has come to the cosmetology sphere from medicine, which has been successfully and widely used for a long time. It is based on the introduction into the subcutaneous structure of cocktails from various biologically active components, among which are hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamins, antioxidants, peptides, plant extracts, trace elements. An effective effect on the skin for its transformation is provided.

The main procedures for the face are:

Unlike classical mesotherapy, the biorevitalization of the face is a procedure of much lower intensity, gentle. It presupposes the introduction into the dermal layers of hyaluronic acid - both pure, without additives, and with various additional ingredients (amino acids, antioxidants, peptides, etc.). At the same time, regardless of the list of additives in the preparation for the procedure, hyaluronic acid is the main component contained in the greatest amount. Indications for this method are as follows:

The difference between the procedures under consideration is also related to the age at which a person can be biorevitalized and mesotherapy, and also with the speed of the onset of a positive effect. It is believed that the procedure for biorevitalization is better to resort not earlier than 25 years of age, whereas mesotherapy is allowed from 18 years. In this case, the effect of introducing hyaluronic acid in a large concentration is noticeable after the first procedure, and the results of skin saturation with mesococtail should be expected no earlier than 1-2 weeks after the start of the course ..

Given all this, it is impossible to unequivocally determine which of the two procedures is best - it all depends on skin problems and the desired effect. Therefore it is recommended, first of all, to apply to a competent specialist who will be able to assess the condition of the skin by the necessary criteria, determine its needs and the possibilities of methods in terms of recovery and recovery

Biorevitalization - effect

Injections of hyaluronic acid are aimed at natural revitalization, skin improvement, activation of biochemical processes in the dermal layers. This substance is not alien to the body, but, on the contrary, it is an important component of many of its tissues and acts as one of the main regulators of humidity, turgor, elasticity, healthy skin color.

Developing the required amount of hyaluronic acid at a young age to maintain the normal state of skin tissues, then (from about 25-28 years) the body begins to lose its reserves every year by about 1%, which is manifested in signs of aging. In addition, the decrease in the level of hyaluronate occurs in the presence of dermatological and some other problems.

The introduction of this substance normalizes the water balance, stimulates the synthesis of connective tissue fibers, thereby increasing the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, returning a healthy shade to the person. The procedure helps to significantly improve the quality of the skin, rejuvenate as soon as possible and slow the aging processes, reduce skin defects. Biorevitalization, the photo before and after which is a confirmation of its effectiveness, can be of considerable help even with very loose skin.

Biorevitalization - before and after photos

Non-injection biorevitalization

The introduction of "hyaluronica" under the skin can be carried out not only through injections, but also in non-traumatic ways. The most used of them is laser biorevitalization, in which the epidermis is saturated with the active substance under the action of the energy of a diode laser. This technique ensures a uniform distribution of hyaluronic acid over a large area of ​​the face, but with a less deep penetration. The advantages of the procedure are:

Injection biorevitalization of the face - what is it?

Classical biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid - multiple microinjections, carried out locally according to a certain technique ("point by point", "grid", "fan", etc.). The injections are carried out with a special syringe with a short thin needle or injector, which makes it possible to dose the drug more accurately. This affects the forehead, cheekbones, cheeks, chin, eyelids, skin around the eyes or other areas. Using a needle allows you to deliver the active substance to the required depth, exactly in the problem area, but you have to face a number of disadvantages:

Biorevitalization - drugs

The effectiveness and quality of the technique is directly dependent on which preparations for the biorevitalization of the face are used. And the main requirements for these tools, in which it becomes possible to launch the update processes in skin cells, are:

Popular drugs:

Contraindications to biorevitalization of the face

The list of conditions in which biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is not carried out is large, and the main ones are as follows:

Preparation for biorevitalization of the face

Before the procedure, you should definitely undergo a medical examination in order to identify possible contraindications. At the same time, neither injection nor laser biorevitalization of the person require special preparation, except for the observance of some recommendations 3-4 days before the scheduled date:

How do biorevitalization of the face?

On average, the biorevitalization of the facial skin takes about an hour and consists of the following main stages:

How to care for the face after biorevitalization?

Almost always patients note that swollen face after biorevitalization, there is redness or, on the contrary, blanching of the skin, the presence of traces from injections. This is a normal reaction after the invasive effect, and such undesirable effects are eliminated within 1-2 days provided that facial care after biorevitalization is correct. Laser biorevitalization of the facial skin does not leave such traces, so special care and post-procedural limitations are not in most cases.

What can not be done after a person's biorevitalization?

After the injection of hyaluronate, certain rules must be followed in order to avoid the development of complications and the consolidation of the result. Let's consider, that it is impossible after a biorevitalization of the person spent by this technique:

  1. Within 2-3 days: use decorative cosmetics, touch the skin with your hands.
  2. Within 2 weeks: go in for sports, visit the sauna, bath, pool, beach, solarium, and also carry out other cosmetic procedures for the face.

Than to smear the face after biorevitalization?

Apply to the face after biorevitalization of the usual drugs used earlier, at first it is not recommended. Sometimes experts even forbid using detergents, advising them to wash themselves with purified water. Wasted funds in the postprocedural period are appointed individually, but more often they are preparations with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, before going out to the street you should use sunscreen.

How often do I need to biorevitalize the face?

All those who decide on the procedures under consideration need to worry about the question of how often a person can be biorevitalized. By standards, to achieve the effect requires a course of three to four sessions, the interval between which is about 10-20 days. The break between the courses can be from three months to a year, depending on the skin condition, the safety of the achieved result.