What organs are responsible for acne on the face, and how to identify the disease in the area of ​​rashes?

Since ancient times, Eastern medicine has accumulated experience in external diagnostics of the body, by examining the skin of a person. What organs are responsible for acne on the face? Tibetan medicine answers this question. Pimples of the face and internal organs are closely interrelated.

The person and internal organs - the relationship

The connection between acne on the face and internal organs is explained by the Chinese physicians by the theory of meridians. In each organ there is a metabolism, during which chemical reactions occur and energy is released, part of it is directed to a specific area of ​​the skin. The person of the person is very indicative for diagnostics of trouble of any organ. Acne, rash, moles on the face suggest that the energy in the meridian (channel) circulates incorrectly.

Areas of acne on the face and organs

The human face can be conditionally divided into several zones, which clearly correspond to human organs - the areas where rashes constantly occur can be a signal for medical examination. Zones (quadrants) of the face, along which the external meridians of the organs pass:

Women may have such a question: if there are pimples on the face, for which organs the rashes meet and are they always a sign of trouble? Sometimes, acne is not a reason for panic: for example, a woman changes the hormonal background within a month, and rashes on her face before menstruation are the result of an organism's reorganization.

Pimples on the face - which organs are ill?

When there were acne on the face - with what organs of the problem you can learn, having familiarized yourself with the basics of reflexotherapy and acupuncture. Chinese doctors during the diagnosis give recommendations, which organs to check for pimples on the face. Often people are skeptical, but with additional research by ultrasound, tomography, problems in the organs become obvious.

Pryshchiki on the forehead

The forehead is one of the most popular places for the localization of acne in adolescence, the reason is a large number of sebaceous glands. Hormonal shocks affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands, causing the release of testosterone into the blood, thereby provoking excessive secretion of fat. Protocols are clogged and inflammation is formed. This is the cause lying on the surface, but the forehead is also the projection of the intestine and other organs.

Pimples on the forehead - reasons, depending on localization:

Pryshchiki on temples

The regularity of the fact that acne on the face and organs have an interrelation can be traced on the symptoms that the body shows: for example, pimples on the temples of women appearing during the menstrual cycle - there is a connection with the endocrine system. Other causes of pimples of the temporal zone:

Pimples on the nose

What organs are responsible for small pimples on the face in the nose and nose? It is important to note that the T-zone is inherently prone to the appearance of acne and all kinds of inflammation due to sensitivity to temperature changes, external influences: wind, sun, frost. There are also specific reasons why small pimples appear on the nose:

Pimples over the lip

Acne over the lip under the nose signals a malfunction of the nervous system. Stressful factors, sleep disturbances, anxieties and experiences quickly appear on the face in the form of hateful and spoiling the appearance of rashes. The nasolabial triangle is also rich in nerve endings, so even small pimples are painful to the touch. For what organs are acne on the face above the lip:

Other reasons:

Pimples on the chin

The face is the outer mirror of the internal state of the organism. Often pimples appear on the same places with some periodicity in time. This is an alarm signal, saying that the inflammatory processes in the body in the stage of exacerbation. Chin - the area of ​​concentration of the exit of several meridians of internal organs. Pimples on the chin - the reason can be banal: a blockage of glands, due to lack of hygiene or excessive secretion of fat. Sometimes, the causes of acne are much more serious:

Pimples on cheeks

A healthy blush on the cheeks is an indicator of a perfectly functioning respiratory system, a good filling of the lungs with oxygen. What do small pimples or dense inflamed acne on the cheeks mean? This is a signal of trouble in the lungs. Most often there are pimples in the cheek region of such groups of individuals as:

Other causes of acne on the cheeks:

How to deal with acne on the face?

Eruptions on the face and digestive organs - here the relationship can be traced very clearly. It is necessary to change food preferences, and acne stops disturbing a person. Experts recommend to approach the solution of the problem in a complex manner. Self-study of the question of which organs are responsible for acne on the face, it is useful only to realize that there are problems in the body. For starters, you can try to follow some recommendations:

  1. Use quality products for skin care.
  2. Wash your face in the morning and before going to bed.
  3. You can not squeeze acne (categorically forbidden in the nasolabial triangle, because of the features of the vasculature are often cases of sepsis ).
  4. Check for demodicosis .

Home remedies in the fight against acne:

  1. Fruit or berry puree is applied to the face for a few minutes. Promotes the enrichment of the skin with vitamins and improves local skin immunity. It's better if it's berries and fruits from your own plot.
  2. Take the rule of washing grass infusions: chamomile, calendula, sage, lemon balm and mint. All herbs are taken in equal amounts, and the infusion is 1 tablespoon. collection of 0.5 liters. hot water.
  3. Essential oils of lemon, tea tree, fir and eucalyptus have drying properties.

Official medicine against rashes on the face (before applying this or that remedy, a consultation of a dermatologist is recommended):