Do I need to remove wisdom teeth?

Why are the wisdom teeth so called? The answer is very simple. They erupt in man already in adulthood. At least, with respect to the remaining teeth, namely after 18 years. The specific age is very individual and each of the four wisdom teeth can erupt at any time. In this case, the process of eruption of each of these teeth can last several years, often with periodic exacerbations of pericoronitis, so the question usually arises as to whether it is necessary to remove wisdom teeth.

How to understand if 8 teeth should be removed?

Wisdom teeth can erupt absolutely painlessly and do not cause their host any inconvenience. In this case, the removal is of course pointless. After all, these teeth are actively involved in the function of chewing food. But there are cases when the question is whether to remove the tooth does not even arise. To such cases the stomatologists carry:

  1. Retinished tooth. This is a tooth that can not be cut from the gums. The reason for this can be either its incorrect position in the jaw or dystopia (for example, the tooth can lie horizontally and the crown of the crown rest against the adjacent one), and the lack of space in the jaw. In this case, the tooth can press on the adjacent tooth and cause a displacement of the dentition and bite disorders. Or under the mucous hood that covers it, often the remains of food are often stuffed that are difficult to hygienic procedures and eventually cause inflammation, suppuration and pain. Often develops odontogenic sinusitis or neuritis.
  2. Semiretinated tooth. This is a tooth that has not been cut completely from the gum. More often such teeth are found on the upper jaw. Often they are shifted towards the cheeks and lead to permanent traumatization of the mucous membrane. Such teeth are poorly cleaned and often are affected by caries and its complications up to the destruction of the crown. Do I need to remove the roots of such teeth? Most often, yes, because they are also infected with a carious process.

Is there an alternative?

There are also cases when a doctor thinks about what to do with a wisdom tooth, delete or treat. These include situations where a person does not have a number of standing teeth and, having treated the eighth tooth, it can be used as a support for the installation of the bridge prosthesis . If the tooth is to be treated, the doctor will necessarily conduct qualitative treatment of the canals and restore the stump of the crown, which will wear the crown of the bridge, which will help restore the chewing function of half of the jaw.