How to make the eyebrows thicker?

Eyebrows are a real decoration of the face, making the look more expressive, emphasize the individuality of the owner. Well, when the eyebrows are naturally wide, because they can be very easily corrected to give the desired shape. But not everyone was so lucky, and the question of how to make the eyebrows thicker now troubles many ladies. There are many options, including hair dyeing, lengthening or tattooing, but it is important to pay attention to proper care.

Can I make the eyebrows thicker?

There are several decorative ways to make the eyebrows wider. They provide for one of the following activities:

Another way involves using funds to increase growth. In this case, the density is achieved due to the elongation of the hairs.

How to make eyebrows thick and wide with the help of folk remedies?

Special attention should be paid to the nutrition of the hair follicles. Saturation with their necessary substances will make the edges darker, and individual hairs longer:

  1. Before going to bed it is recommended to lubricate the eyebrows with oils ( castor , almond, olive).
  2. Darken the hair will help black tea. Wadded disk moistened in strong brew and conducted along the eyebrow line. To achieve good results, the duration of the procedure should be at least fifteen minutes.
  3. Compresses based on cognac and rum are an excellent remedy. They are diluted in equal proportions with various oils, for example with castor oil or jojoba.
  4. Another way to make the eyebrows become thicker due to lengthening, involves the use of compounds that activate growth. Carrot juice is mixed with vitamin A. In the finished composition, a cotton disc is moistened and applied as a compress.
  5. Here's how to make eyebrows thicker and wider with the help of an effective method. The flowers of marigold are insisted for 24 hours in vodka. Before use, the formulation is diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. the resulting mixture is treated with eyebrows.

In addition, it should be:

  1. Regularly combing hairs.
  2. Perform massage by pinching and pinching movements.
  3. Every day, apply a balm for the eyebrows, which protects them from harmful effects.

Also need to take vitamin complexes, designed to activate hair growth and nails.