Pine buds - harvesting and harvesting

Pine buds are a medicinal raw material used in folk and traditional medicine. As in the case of other medicinal herbal remedies, only properly harvested kidneys of pine, in which all the active nutrients that are present, can be of maximum benefit. Consider how it is necessary to collect and harvest pine buds for the preparation of medicines.

Time to collect pine buds for a medicine

The most suitable period for collecting the buds of pine with healing purposes are the spring days after the snow falls, when the buds that appear appear to swell after the winter rest, but do not yet have time to open. As a rule, this is the very beginning of spring, but in some climatic zones, pine buds begin to grow and swell already at the end of winter, and in others - in the middle of spring, so you should monitor coniferous trees.

How do pine buds look like for collection?

Kidney buds that are suitable for harvesting, should have a scaly surface, and at the same time the flakes are glued and tightly pressed together. The color of the raw material is orangeish brown, and on the fracture it is greenish. The buds are very resinous during the collection, they have a pronounced coniferous aroma. If the scales are already opened and fluffed, then to collect such raw materials does not make sense, it is no longer suitable for treatment. It is better to tear off the kidneys not with hands, but with scissors or a knife. coniferous resin is very difficult to wash off the skin.

How to dry pine buds?

After cutting the kidneys, immediately it is recommended to decompose them for drying in a dry, well ventilated room without access to direct sunlight (in extreme cases, under a canopy in the street provided dry weather). To do this, you should lay a blank paper, on which to put the raw material in an even thin layer. Do not dry pine buds in the attic, where it is too warm, and even more so in the dryer, tk. the resin will melt and evaporate. Drying occurs approximately 10 days, depending on the weather conditions. To check if the buds are well dried, they should be broken - on the fracture the kidneys should be dry, earthy in color, do not stick to the hands.

How to store dried pine buds?

Dried raw materials for storage are recommended to be decomposed into paper bags, cardboard boxes or linen bags. Keep it best in a dry, darkened place for no more than two, maximum - three years.