Treatment of erysipelas with folk remedies

Erysipelas is an acute disease in which the skin becomes inflamed, fever and general intoxication of the body appear. The cause of the disease - streptococci, penetrating through microtraumas of the skin in the lymph vessels and causing inflammation.

Treatment of erysipelas at home (internal use)

  1. Drink portions of the birch buds in portions during the day before meals (st. Spoonful of kidney for 200 ml of boiled water, 15 minutes).
  2. Collection of medicinal herbs: a tablespoon of yarrow and linden color, 2 tablespoons of thyme, 3 spoons of rose hips. 2 tablespoons collection pour 400 ml. boiled water, insist on a thermos night. The next day take small doses in a warm form. Drink infusion for a month, then for 2 weeks break and proceed to receive another collection (see below).
  3. The second collection: a tablespoon of St. John's wort and nettle, 2 tbsp. l. plantain; cook and use the infusion as well as in the above recipe.

Folk treatment of erysipelas (externally)

Apply on the affected parts of the skin a mixture of mashed leaves of burdock, plantain and Kalanchoe . Compresses are changed 3 times a day: they have a cooling and soothing effect.

In addition to the above described herbs, you can prepare a slurry of fresh cucumbers.

Traditional treatment of erysipelas on leg with a bugle

Dilute 1 tbsp. l. alcohol tincture in 100 g of water, apply compresses to the affected areas. This tool relieves burning, reduces abscess, greatly facilitates the patient's condition. Applying this folk treatment of erysipelas on the leg, the tincture of the bug may be replaced with a decoction.

Caution in the treatment of erysipelas with folk remedies

The entire course of treatment can not take a bath or shower, so as not to spread the disease throughout the body. The erysipelas can not be infected by air, but the overall sleeping place and personal items of the patient can be carriers of the infection.