Folk remedies for sinusitis

Everyone knows that an onion can cure many diseases. Sinusitis is no exception. There are several recipes.

  1. It is necessary to grind the onion on a small grater. Binding your eyes with a dense bandage, you need to cover your head with a towel and breathe over the chopped mass for 1-2 minutes. Thanks to such inhalation, onion medicinal essential oils and phytoncides penetrate the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses.
  2. Chop the halves of the bulb, the resulting mass should be tied in a bundle of bandage and hang under the nose, fixing the tie on the ears. The first 5 minutes is better to keep your eyes closed, then the bitterness will go away, and walking with such a bandage will become easier. After 2 hours, the bandage should be removed.
  3. A bag with chopped onions can be simply applied to the nostril on inspiration while simultaneously massaging the maxillary sinuses and the bridge of the nose. The duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes, until the onion is eroded. If you do not be lazy and repeat 2-4 times a day, the sinusitis recedes within a week.

Butter - Vanga's recipe

Often, traditional methods of treatment are surprising - for example, you can use butter from the genyantritis! And, strangely enough, this recipe helps get rid of accumulated pus in just a couple of days. More precisely - nights, as a piece of butter (with a pea) should be put in the nostril for the night. Nostrils should alternate - today in the left, tomorrow in the right. The oil should be fresh and, preferably, natural. It is better to buy it at the bazaar of my grandmother.

Miracle Mixture

This recipe is more complicated, as it will take several ingredients and a little time for cooking. It should be mixed in equal proportions:

The resulting gruel should be placed on a water bath and heated until the soap has dissolved (but not above 50 ° C). When the ointment cools down, it can be stored in the refrigerator. Cotton turundochki (flagella) must be dipped in a ready mix, pawned in each nostril and hold for 15 minutes. The course is designed for 20 days - this treatment with folk remedies helps to overcome both acute and chronic sinusitis.

A wonderful bay leaf

This plant not only makes the soup and roast delicious, but also heals. The recipe is simple.

Treatment is designed for 9 days, compresses are best done at night.

Great healer - honey

The most effective folk remedies against sinusitis are those that contain honey and other fruits of labor of bees - propolis, pollen, honeycombs. Treatment should be comprehensive.

  1. Decoction of marigold with the addition of honey should be washed nose.
  2. Warm tea from raspberry twigs, linden, rose hips with a spoonful of honey should be drunk.
  3. In inhalation of sinusitis, you can also add honey or propolis.
  4. Compress of aloe juice (50 g), vodka (150 g) and honey (100 g) should be applied to the inflamed sinuses of the nose.

Before you start treating sinusitis with folk remedies, mentally adjust to recovery. After a useless course of tablets and drops, it will not be easy, but you need to try and believe that the centuries-old folk methods will help you get rid of the genyantritis!