Diver - indications for use

Some drugs are used to treat completely different diseases. For example, Diover is prescribed by urologists, cardiologists, and even endocrinologists. Understand the principle of this drug can only be determined if Diver is intended for - indications for the use of this medication, its pharmacological properties and mechanism of operation.

The main indications for the use of the drug Diver

The active substance in the drug in question is torasemide. This chemical compound is a diuretic or diuretic. Therefore, the indications for the use of tablets Diver concentration of 5 or 10 mg are different states associated with the occurrence of swelling.

The mechanism of action of torasemide is to reduce the osmotic pressure in the kidney cells (nephrons), as well as to stimulate the removal of excess fluid. In addition, Diver improves myocardial function and reduces fibrosis. At the same time, the drug, to a lesser extent than other diuretics, provokes hypokalemia (removal of potassium salts from the body). Due to this feature, the described diuretic drug is preferred for long-term therapeutic courses, treatment of patients with severe chronic diseases, including kidney and liver pathologies.

It is worth noting that the presented diuretic is very quickly and well absorbed. Its maximum concentration in the blood is reached after 1.5-2 hours after taking the tablets, and the bioavailability is 85-90% (connection with plasma proteins - 99%).

Another advantage of Diver - a long diuretic effect. The effect of the drug lasts about 18 hours, which relieves the need for frequent visits to the toilet and makes diuretic therapy as comfortable as possible.

Torasemide is excreted mainly by the kidneys, its insignificant part is processed by means of the liver. In addition to various edematous syndromes, including edema in diseases of the liver, heart, kidneys and lungs, indications for the use of Diver are arterial hypertension. This diuretic helps a steady decrease in blood pressure provided a full-fledged complex therapy.

Diseases in which the use of Diver medication is prohibited

Despite proven safety and low risk of negative side effects when using torasemide, the drug in question has many contraindications:

The combined use of Diver and Veroshpiron, as well as other diuretics

Doctors often prescribe a parallel intake of 2 diuretic drugs. This is necessary if one medication fails to achieve the desired therapeutic results. In such cases, a strong loop diuretic is recommended, for example, Diver, and a potassium-sparing drug - Veroshpiron or any other diuretic. This treatment tactic is absolutely adequate and tested by medical research and experience, and there should be no excessive effect.