Temperature 39 without symptoms

The most common cause of the occurrence of high fever is inflammation, the presence of serious wounds or nervous overexertion. Most often, the heat is very predictable and is accompanied by other more obvious symptoms that explain its appearance. But what if the temperature has risen, and other symptoms have not yet manifested?

Signs of heat

It is worth knowing the signs, which clearly indicate that you have a high temperature of 38-39 °. These factors are:

If you have these symptoms, be sure to take a thermometer and measure the temperature, even if there are no signs of ARVI or other viral diseases.

Causes of the appearance of temperature 39

A high body temperature of 39-39.5 ° in an adult without obvious symptoms may be a signal about the following diseases:

Meningococcal infection is an acute infectious disease, which is primarily manifested in the form of sudden temperature changes. The main symptoms are not immediately apparent, which is why it is not always possible to identify this disease on your own. With this disease, there is a very high mortality rate, so if you are able to knock down the temperature yourself, but not for long, you should immediately call your doctor.

A high body temperature of 39 ° without symptoms can become a reaction to a pathological change in the affected tissues, that is, the presence of a tumor in the body. In this case, it is impossible to knock down the temperature yourself, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Catarrhal angina is a clinical form of angina and is characterized by pronounced diffuse hyperemia of the tonsils, swelling of the arches and mucopurulent exudate on the surface of the tonsils. But before the appearance of these symptoms, the body temperature rises. Therefore, before contacting a doctor, it is recommended to take the same actions as with ARVI.

Hypothalamic syndrome is a complex of endocrine, metabolic, vegetative disorders, which are caused by the pathology of the hypothalamus. With this diagnosis, the temperature rises as a result of disruption of the subcortical apparatus of the brain and is not accompanied by any other signs or symptoms. In this state, the body can be for years and even get used to it. Treatment in this case consists in taking sedatives.

After the transmitted angina or influenza there is a risk of developing infective endocarditis, which manifests itself in the hanged temperature. Such a disease should be treated exclusively in the hospital.

Chronic pyelonephritis is called an inflammatory disease, which primarily affects the bowel-pelvic system of the kidneys. The temperature of this disease lasts long enough, while other symptoms may not appear. If the temperature lasts more than two weeks and you can not knock it down yourself (with this disease it is impossible), then you should go to the doctor and take a survey.

So, let's sum up. Elevated temperature 39 without symptoms is a clear sign of a disease, so do not delay and engage in self-medication. And it is better to immediately go to a doctor and get tested.