The process of digestion

In connection with the inactive way of life, feeding on the run and nervous strains, discomfort, bloating, constipation and flatulence have become the constant companions of man. Therefore, now the issue of supporting the digestive process is especially urgent. Abandonment of addictions, correction of diet and following simple rules will help to quickly establish metabolism and normalize well-being.

How to improve digestion in the intestine?

The main factor in the disruption of the intestine is insufficient intake of clean water, necessary for the purification of the body. Tea and coffee do not cope with this task, and the abuse of sweet juices and sodas only complicates the assimilation of food.

It is also important to fill the diet with coarse fibers, which absorb all the remains of products, contributing to their effective withdrawal. To ensure a daily dose of fiber, one or two apples, three slices of bread with bran or a salad of fresh cucumbers, tomatoes or other fresh vegetables should be eaten a day.

How to improve digestion in the stomach?

Stability of the stomach is important to maintain microflora. With its lack, food is poorly digested, putrefactive processes take place in the body, resulting in increased weight.

Restore digestive functions can be included in the diet of sour-milk products. It is also useful for at least a week to adhere to a special diet.

Preparations that improve the digestive process

Together with the correction of nutrition, it is recommended to use certain medicines that positively affect the microflora of the digestive tract:

  1. Preparations with pancreatic enzymes (Creon, Mezim). You can take them yourself by reading the instructions.
  2. Another group of drugs is recommended for bloating, flatulence and discomfort in the stomach (Meteopazmil, Espumizan).
  3. This group includes drugs designed to normalize digestion in the case of existing diseases. For example, in cholelithiasis patients are assigned Penzinorm Fort.

How to improve digestion with folk remedies?

The following home recipes will help to cope with the problems of poor digestion of food:

  1. To prevent constipation, it is recommended to eat one hundred grams of beet per day.
  2. The use of beans in any form will help to establish the production of a sufficient amount of gastric juice and remove excess fluid from the body.
  3. Activates the process of digesting a mixture of honey and aloe juice, which should be consumed one tablespoon three times a day.

It is useful to brew herbs that improve digestion. Chamomile and lemon balm can be drunk in any quantity, they practically have no contraindications.