Giardia - treatment

Lamblias refer to human parasitic infections, these are the simplest microorganisms that can accumulate in various parts of the small intestine and thereby influence the digestive process. As a rule lamblias do not cause harm and gradually disappear by themselves under the influence of human immunity . Therefore, lamblia treatment is performed only if the body is weakened and can not fight the parasites on its own.

Treatment of lamblia with folk remedies

To begin with, worms and lamblias need treatment only when they are found in the analysis of feces. General symptoms of helminthic invasion are not grounds for the administration of pharmacological agents. But if you suspected lamblia, you can resort to folk methods of fighting parasites. They are safe and often able to cope completely with foreign microorganisms.

Methods for treating lamblia are divided into 2 groups: measures to strengthen immunity and measures to remove lamblia. Inflammation of the dog rose very well. Thanks to the large amount of vitamin C and amino acids, it can give the body the forces necessary to fight infection. Cooking water tincture is simple:

  1. It is enough to pour 4 tbsp. spoons of rose hips with boiling water.
  2. Leave to infuse in a thermos for 3-4 hours.

Microorganisms of this type are sensitive to acids and esters, therefore freshly squeezed juice is good for lamblias. Such fruits and vegetables are best:

Juice should be taken on an empty stomach 2 times a day for 50 mg at a time.

The official scheme of treatment of lamblia

In official medicine, treatment is started only if the analysis shows extensive infection with lamblia. A small amount of lamblia and cysts (them up to the vegetative form) usually does not need treatment and goes by itself. It is enough just to adjust the diet a little:

  1. Refuse the refined products - sugar, wheat flour, margarine and vegetable oil, as well as the dishes in which they are included.
  2. Try to eat more rough fiber - raw vegetables, greens, salads, unpolished cereals.
  3. Reduce the amount of protein and fats - red meat, cheeses, fatty dairy products.
  4. Eat natural yogurt and skimmed yogurt, enriched with lactobacilli.
  5. Eat often and in batches.
  6. If necessary, take a multivitamin complex.

Also, such measures to strengthen the body, like hardening and physical activity in the fresh air, are very good for the well-being.

In the event that these methods did not produce the expected result, medical products for the treatment of lamblia are used:

Depending on the severity of Giardiasis, one-day courses of treatment of 1-2 tablets per day, or a 5-10-day course of treatment for lamblia can be prescribed. During this time, drugs completely deprive microorganisms of the ability to reproduce, which leads to the gradual death of adult individuals and the disappearance of cysts. In particularly severe cases, it is recommended that a repeat course of treatment be performed 1-2 of the week.

Effective treatment of lamblia should be secured with means to create adverse conditions for their life. This list includes both the proposed diet, and listed measures to improve immunity. It is also recommended to start taking medications containing enzymes and probiotics: