Otitis of the middle ear - treatment, antibiotics

Otitis is an inflammation of any part of the ear, for example, distinguish between otitis media and external otitis media. This disease can be acute or chronic. Infection, most often, manifests itself after or during a cold. It can be a complication after a previous illness, an infection can simply be "puffed up with a draft".

Antibiotics for otitis media

The most common symptoms of otitis media are ear pain, hearing loss, and fever. If you suspect that you have otitis , then you should see a doctor. It happens that the disease itself passes in a few days, but it does not make sense to wait, because Otitis can lead to serious complications, for example, to complete hearing loss. In addition, the infection causes accumulation of fluid in the ear - an effusion in which various bacteria feel favorable, provoking pressure on the tympanic membrane. Therefore, it is better to go to the doctor, than then "rake" the problems.

The otolaryngologist will examine the ear with an otoscope and make an accurate diagnosis. If your assumptions are confirmed, then with otitis media, antibiotics are prescribed. You may also be prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, some pain medication. What antibiotic to take a patient with otitis - the doctor decides, depending on the severity of the disease, on its duration.

Such drugs as:

These antibiotics act in a complex manner. All these drugs are administered orally, the dosage must be prescribed by the attending physician, and he will warn you about contraindications or side effects. There are antibiotics for injections:

You can take drops of chloramphenicol for instillation in the ear. Quite good means for acute otitis are considered to be normax, otofa, fugentin. So, to determine what antibiotics to drink when taking otitis, you need to know whether it is acute or chronic. In general, preparations for oral administration do not differ, but ear drops can be different.

In the treatment of middle purulent otitis with antibiotics, recovery occurs within a week. But the treatment is continued until the hearing is fully restored.

Otorhinolaryngitis - treatment with antibiotics

If you have managed to get sick with these kinds of otitis, then again you need to start with a visit to the room of an otolaryngologist and not neglect treatment. Symtom in this disease - a sense of congestion in the ears , pain even when touched to the ear, an increase in lymph nodes, temperature, pus, which is released from the ear.

Recommended antibiotics for external otitis:

For those who prefer droplets:

General recommendations

Antibiotics for sinusitis and otitis began to be used not so long ago, but this treatment is justified, because. allows you to quickly remove the pain, to restore hearing, to avoid consequences. Of course, it is better not to get sick, but if such a nuisance happened to you, then do not delay, be sure to be treated, because all the organs of our body are interconnected and one disease can cause another. Antibiotics should not be prescribed to yourself, but according to the prescription you can drink them without fear for your health, or rather, thanks to them, your health will improve. Along with antibiotics, you need to take probiotics, which will eliminate the dysbacteriosis that is unavoidable in such treatment.

Take care of your ears and ears, wear hats, avoid drafts, and cure colds on time. And be healthy!