Than to smear a pile at adults?

Some adults encounter a situation where small bubbles appear on the skin. Usually a sweating is manifested in this way, and not everyone knows what it can be smeared, especially in adults. The disease does not cause severe discomfort, except that a slight itch. In the risk group are people with delicate skin, obese or with increased sweating. Inflammations usually appear in places under clothing. Sometimes they occur during a temperature rise with the development of a disease.

Than to smear a pile?

To treat sweats from the very beginning, you need to get rid of the factors that cause it. If the problem has appeared in skin folds - it is best to use drying powder powders, which you can buy at the pharmacy.

When you sweat, you need to immediately forget about applying the cream to the affected area. This is due to the fact that the ointment clogs into the pores, blocking the access of oxygen, which only aggravates the situation. The only thing that can be used is thick liquids, prepared on the basis of drying components.

In the mild form of the disease it will be enough to apply some time to the affected area of ​​the broth:

Is it possible to smear the sweat with iodine or hydrogen peroxide?

These remedies are recommended if the ailment has an easy stage. Their use is based on drying the affected area, which positively affects the healing process. The main thing - to apply the fluid moderately, so as not to burn the skin. In this case, the epidermis should be clean and dry.

If after a few days the symptoms do not go away, intensify, new lesions appear or wet crusts appear, you should consult a specialist. Often in such cases it is necessary to start using already antibacterial drugs.