Why does the newborn cry?

Most young parents, especially if they became so for the first time, are worried about why a newborn cries. Let's figure out the reasons for crying crumbs, whether he should cry and what to do to calm the cry of the newborn.

There are many reasons for children's tears. Some of them are serious enough and require a qualified approach, but mostly the parents themselves are able to cope with the hysteria.

If it seems to you that the newborn is crying for no reason, pay attention to such signs: a runny nose, a stuffy nose, an earache or a stomatitis starts in your mouth. Also, the child is irritated by diaper rash and allergic rashes. A newborn can cry before urinating. If at the same time he is outwardly healthy, then this is considered a variant of the norm. But if the temperature is attached to crying, then this can be a sign of a genitourinary infection. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Crying a newborn in a dream can indicate that the room where it is located is too noisy, it is irritated by bright lights and a large number of visitors.

The baby has a sore tummy

Any mom, while still pregnant, of course, heard enough stories about the terrible hysterics that have to endure poor parents. Their cause lies in increased gas generation. And is it really scary and dangerous in reality? And what to do if the cause of crying is still intestinal colic.

According to statistics, pain in the tummy begins at three weeks of age and lasts up to three months. It is believed that colic is more prone to nervous children of nervous moms. But then it's statistics to take averaged indicators. In fact, it turns out that the tummy can begin to torment the baby in the hospital and continue not to three, but, for example, up to six months. Colic can be regular, and can occur occasionally. After all, everything is individual.

It is noticed that the first-borns suffer from gases more often than their younger sisters and brothers.

How can we determine what exactly gases bring suffering to both mother and child?

Please note if:

How can we help our baby? Actually it's very simple. Here are a few ways:

Do not use a gas pipe with a hard tip, as it is likely to damage the rectal wall!

Newborn baby cries while swimming

Give the child time to get used to and love the water procedures. Water should not be too hot. Mom's movements are smooth and unhurried, so as not to frighten the baby.

You can even wrap it with a diaper, and then gradually remove it in the water. That the child was not afraid, at first bathe it in a small bath, having reduced time of stay in water up to three minutes.

But all methods are tried, but nothing helps: the newborn cries for a long time and every day. What is the reason? Perhaps you just have an excessively excitable child, and if you are nervous about and without reason, then your nervous tension is transmitted to the baby and a vicious circle turns out.

Not yet deduced a formula that counts how much the newborn should cry. So have patience, make more positive things in your life and enjoy your status. It's all temporary, the children grow very quickly, and soon their laughter will be replaced with laughter and the first smile.