Chrysocolla stone - properties, zodiac sign

Chrysocolla belongs to the class of semiprecious stones. He is not only handsome in appearance, but also has positive energy, has a beneficial effect on the body, can heal. The magical properties of the chrysocolla stone act on certain signs of the zodiac.

The mineral was named for its own due to superstition: once it was believed that he was able to attract gold (from the Greek words "chrysos" - gold + "collos" - "glue"). Today, the stone is mined mainly in the Andes mountains.

Usually it is a mineral of sky-blue or blue-blue color, although it can be of a greenish or brownish color, matt or with a shiny surface.

Representatives of what signs of the zodiac suited stone chrysocolla?

Most often, horoscopes connect the chrysocolla with the sign of the zodiac Taurus . But authoritative astrologers point out that this mineral is also extremely suitable for Sagittarius and Virgo. Amulets for good luck can be worn by Lions and Libra. And he can have a therapeutic effect on representatives of any sign, but also helps all those who are engaged in research and practice meditation.

Sagittarius and Taurus should buy a small amulet with a chrysocolla and constantly wear it on the body. The magical potential of the stone is fully revealed on the fifth lunar day, so if you buy it at this time, you can establish between yourself and the mineral the most robust and productive interconnection.

The magical properties of the stone of the chrysocolla and their connection with the signs of the zodiac?

Sagittarius and Taurus are known for their temperament and quick temper, they find it difficult to concentrate on something, to control themselves, solve problems that require perseverance. And the chrysocolla is considered a stone of wisdom , so it helps them to gain discretion and allows them to increase their intellectual level. In addition, the mineral relieves stress, relieves irritability, helps to be balanced in difficult situations.

In addition, a representative of any sign of the zodiac can use a chrysocolla stone, because of its therapeutic and magical properties. For example, he copes well with throat infections, cleanses the liver, reduces blood pressure, relieves muscle spasms. To achieve the therapeutic effect, it is enough to massage the affected area with a stone or to act on the acupuncture point associated with the appropriate organ.