How to pump the pectoral muscles at home?

As for the training of pectoral muscles, many representatives of the fair sex have a wrong opinion. This topic has overgrown with numerous myths, which are worth exploring. Exercising pectoral muscles at home will not help increase the size of the breast, but it will not make it smaller. Exercises aimed at developing the muscles, will help tighten the chest, which will make it visually beautiful. In addition, ugly folds will disappear along the armpits.

How to pump the pectoral muscles at home?

First, we will analyze a few rules that will make the training as effective as possible. You need to start with a warm-up, aimed at warming up the muscles and joints. To do this, it is enough to jump on the rope for five minutes. To load was accounted for pectoral muscles, the grip or width of the abutment should be slightly wider than the shoulders. No less important is the speed of expansion and squeezing of hands, so the compression should pass smoothly, and to open hands is sharply. In order to pump pectoral muscles to a girl at home, it is necessary to train regularly, but it is important not to overdo it. The best option is training every other day. Note that the body quickly gets used to the load, so either change the exercises, or increase the number of repetitions or additional weight.

Exercises on pectoral muscles at home:

  1. Let's start with a basic and effective exercise - push-ups . Take the emphasis lying, placing your arms wider than your shoulders. Fall down by bending the arms in the elbows, which should be located closer to the body. Remember that the body must be straight. Another version of push-ups for the development of pectoral muscles - legs should be placed on a hill, for example, bench or fitball.
  2. Good results are given by reverse push-ups, for which it is necessary to sit on the edge of a chair or bench and rest against it with your hands. Keep your legs straight or bend them at your knees. Buttocks carry in the air to the back was straight. Fall down, due to bending the arms in the elbows, but do not touch the floor with the buttocks. Move only in a straight line and do not move the buttocks forward.
  3. To a woman to pump the pectoral muscles at home, it is recommended to include a dumbbell press in the complex. Place yourself on a bench and take dumbbells with a straight grip, which you need to hold on arms outstretched above the chest. It is allowed to bend in the lower back, and also pay attention to the feet, as they should be pressed to the floor. Bend your arms in the elbows, lowering them before the forearms are parallel to the floor. After fixing the position, return to the PI. To work out the lower and upper parts of the muscles, it is recommended to perform this exercise on an inclined bench head down and up respectively.
  4. Another effective exercise - the cultivation of hands with dumbbells. Arrange on the bench and again hold dumbbells above the chest, but only the palms should be directed towards each other. Do the dumbbell cultivation to the sides, lowering your hands until you feel the tension in the pectoral muscles. This allows a slight bending of the arms in the elbows. After fixing the position, return to the starting position.
  5. To pump pectoral muscles at home to the girl it is possible and with the help of an expander, which must be passed through any fixed stand. Stand with your back to her and grasp the handles. Take a step forward to expand the expander. Keep your hands on the sides so that they are parallel to the floor. Palms guide forward and slightly bend your arms at the elbows. Inhaling, perform a reduction of hands in front of you, and on exhalation return to the FE. It is important to fix each position of the body so that the load does not go astray.